9 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Solaris
Hi all,
I would like to ask what will be the best practice for the following setup
/ - c0t0d0s0 - current BE (named First)
/ - c0t0d1s0 - alternate BE (name Second)
i have a non-global zone with zonepath in /zones/myzone
/mnt/opt - c0t0d2s6 (shared between the 2 BE)... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: javanoob
3 Replies
2. Solaris
I was assigned some Solaris machines and need to patch them to N-1, where N is the latest OS realease, which means, upgrade till one version before the latest one.
I do not now a lot about Solaris. What I only know is that need to make use of live upgrade and be careful with VxVM... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: feroccimx
4 Replies
3. Solaris
Hello Guys,
I am a little confused about the first step in the live upgrade process. I will be glad if someone can clarify this for me.
The pre-live upgrade patch, when do you add this patch to the OS you want to upgrade?
1. before creating the new boot environment? or
2. after creating... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: cjashu
1 Replies
4. Solaris
Hi All,
Is it possible to use external san disk for creating alternate boot environment and boot from it.My root disk is about 70 gb and i want to use external san disk for 272gb to create alternate boot environment.If this is possible can you please redirect me some good documents, i had... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: sahil_shine
1 Replies
5. Emergency UNIX and Linux Support
I am upgrading Solaris-9 Update-7 to Solaris-9 Update-9 through live upgrade. I am able to create another boot environment and have OS DVD inside server. But i am confused for, what command/path should I give for luupgrade.
OS DVD is mounted on /mnt
Boot environments are Solaris9old (Active now)... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: solaris_1977
2 Replies
6. Solaris
I tried a live upgrade for one my solaris 10u8 server which didnt go sucessfull and after that i now have following mounts in memory.
df: cannot statvfs /.alt.sol10u8_2/var: No such file or directory
df: cannot statvfs /.alt.sol10u8_2/var/run: No such file or directory
df: cannot statvfs... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: fugitive
0 Replies
7. Solaris
I want to basically update an ABE that someone created a few months back.
I'm sure stuff has changed since it was made, and I was going to delete it and create a new one.
But from what I'm looking at, the lumake appears like it would be a faster approach.
I want to use live upgrade to... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: BG_JrAdmin
0 Replies
8. Solaris
Hi, Guys
On this weekend I have to upgrade Solaris 10 2 node SUN cluster from u4 to u9. I have not touch Sun cluster for a while so I need some help. Can anybody let me know what I have to do specifically for this upgrade?
Thank you very much (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: alex57
4 Replies
9. Solaris
I upgraded solaris 10 x86 from update 3 to update 7 with zones installed n UFS file system . The global zone was updated but the non global zone still shows update 3 what could be the reason for this and how can i update the local zones to update 7 (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: fugitive
0 Replies