Broken system disk - mount a zfs backup fs

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Operating Systems Solaris Broken system disk - mount a zfs backup fs
# 1  
Old 09-02-2011
Broken system disk - mount a zfs backup fs

I have installed Solaris 11 Express on my machine. I have made a script which would take snapshots of all the rpool filesystems every day and send them to a (local) hard drive. There is a zpool on that drive called backup.

Now in case of a system failure, I will act according to a manual on the ZFS troubleshooting page.

There is one step however which I am not sure how to complete - how to mount the local backup zpool from a solaris live CD (they use a remote one in the manual). I need it in order to retrieve the backuped snapshots.

Thank you for help,
# 2  
Old 09-04-2011
Boot from the Live CD
Import the pool
Resolve the issue that causes the pool import to fail, such as replace a failed disk
Export the pool
Boot from the original Solaris release

Or the below methods can be used.
Home Fileserver: Backups from ZFS snapshots
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