Installing using ZFS - need to remove EFI disk labels

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Operating Systems Solaris Installing using ZFS - need to remove EFI disk labels
# 1  
Old 09-02-2011
Installing using ZFS - need to remove EFI disk labels

What is the preferred way of doing this from a bare metal install?
# 2  
Old 09-02-2011
As far as I know disks used in ZFS pools require EFI labels.
# 3  
Old 09-02-2011
@fpmurphy: That's the opposite. Root pool disks (still) require a non EFI label, i.e. a VTOC/SMI label.

@LittleLebowsky: Use "format -e" to be able to choose the type of label to write.
# 4  
Old 09-04-2011
for root pool, use SMI label using format -e .
you can create the pool right away using a EFI labelled disk
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