8 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Solaris
Hi all,
I have read about sendmail running as 2 separate process.
1 as a MSP, and the other as the real daemon or MTA.
In my current configuration,
the sendmail-client is disabled.
Both submit.cf and sendmail.cf are left as default untouch
I do not specified any mailhost... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: javanoob
3 Replies
2. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
I am running SCO 5.0.6 and using sendmail 8.11.0 and having issues with smtp authentication. When trying to send mail the following message will kick back.
(reason: 530 5.7.1 Authentication required)
530 5.7.1 Authentication required
Not sure what needs to be tweeked in sendmail.cf but I... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: ziggy6
1 Replies
3. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi experts
cp bin root src /mnt
but not copy bin/bigfile
any help?
( I post this thread in the "redhat" forum wrongly, I don't know how to withdraw that question in that wrong forum)
Thanks (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: yanglei_fage
6 Replies
4. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I have found a question from the exercises of my study mat. The question is
"Why are there a in-core copy and a disk-copy of i-node block and super block?"
If any one know the proper answer then please send me..... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: dearanik
1 Replies
5. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
we have two mail servers and want to setup failover for DR.
we have a line in sendmail.cf like this
DS smtp.domain.com
and this works fine......
we changed it to
DS smtp1.domain.com smtp2.domain.com
this is bad, we get errors of savemail panic and many bounce messages and... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: robsonde
0 Replies
6. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
Someone hacked into my computer a while back and turned me into a spambot.. I stopped the mailque and cleared it out and everything appeared to be fine, but now I am noticing that if I try to run sendmail, it just hangs.. and I am wondering, does anyone have any knowledge on sendmail and... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: patrick99e99
2 Replies
7. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I have AIX5.1
I was asked to set up a cron script to send a email containing a CSV file regularly to to a user from the AIX box .I have set up cron scripts for sure but I am not sure of using sendmail. I am not sure how to do this Or even how to send a email from it using sendmail which I believe... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: rocker40
4 Replies
8. IP Networking
I have an interesting situation. So bare with me and here goes:
I have a Windows XP box that connects to the internet through a Dial-Up connection. I have a SUSE 7.3 Linux box that is networked with the Windows Box and Linux uses Windows' Dial-up connection to access the internet. All is fine... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: gdboling
2 Replies
sendmail(4) File Formats sendmail(4)
sendmail, sendmail.cf, submit.cf - sendmail configuration files
The sendmail.cf and submit.cf files are the configuration files for sendmail(1M). Starting with version 8.12 of sendmail, which was shipped
with version 9 of the Solaris operating system, two configuration files are used for submission and transmission of mail, instead of only
sendmail.cf, as before. These are:
sendmail.cf Remains the principal sendmail configuration file. Used for the Mail Transmission Agent (MTA).
submit.cf Used for the Mail Submission Program (MSP). The MSP is used to submit mail messages. Unlike the MTA, it does not run as an
SMTP daemon.
The MSP does not require root privileges, thus the two-file model provides better security than the pre-sendmail 8.12 model, in which the
MSP ran as a daemon and required root privileges.
In the default sendmail configuration, sendmail uses submit.cf, as indicated in ps(1) output. In ps output, you will observe two sendmail
invocations, such as the ones below:
/usr/lib/sendmail -Ac -q15m
/usr/lib/sendmail -bd -q15m
The first indicates the use of submit.cf, with the client queue (/var/spool/clientmqueue) being checked--and, if needed, flushed--every 15
minutes. The second invocation runs sendmail as a daemon, waiting for incoming SMTP connections.
As shipped, sendmail.cf and, in particular, submit.cf, are appropriate for most environments. Where a knowledgeable system administrator
needs to make a change, he should use the following procedures.
For sendmail.cf:
1. Change directories to the directory that contains the source files for the configuration files.
# cd /etc/mail/cf/cf
2. Create a copy of the sendmail file for your system.
# cp sendmail.mc `hostname`.mc
3. Edit `hostname`.mc. Make changes suitable for your system and environment.
4. Run make to generate the configuration file.
# /usr/bin/make `hostname`.cf
5. Copy the newly generated file to its correct location.
# cp `hostname`.cf /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
6. Restart the sendmail service.
# svcadm restart sendmail
You must restart sendmail for sendmail.cf file changes to take effect, as indicated in step 6. Steps 4 - 6 can be automated. See Automated
Rebuilding of Configuration Files below.
For submit.cf:
1. Change directories to the directory that contains the source files for the configuration files.
# cd /etc/mail/cf/cf
2. Create a copy of the submit file for your system.
# cp submit.mc submit-`hostname`.mc
3. Edit submit-`hostname`.mc. Make changes suitable for your system and environment.
4. Run make to generate the configuration file.
# /usr/bin/make submit-`hostname`.cf
5. Copy the newly generated file to its correct location.
# cp submit-`hostname`.cf /etc/mail/submit.cf
You do not need to restart sendmail for changes to submit.cf to take effect. Steps 4 and 5 can be automated. See Automated Rebuilding of
Configuration Files below.
Enabling Access to Remote Clients
The sendmail(1M) man page describes how the config/local_only property can be set to true or false to disallow or allow, respectively,
access to remote clients for unmodified systems.
Setting values for the following properties for the service instance svc:/network/smtp:sendmail results in automated (re)building of con-
figuration files:
The values for these properties should be strings which represent the path name of the .mc files referred to in steps 2 and 3 of both pro-
cedures above. Recommended values are:
Each property, if set, results in the corresponding .mc file being used to (re)build the matching .cf file when the service is started.
These properties persist across upgrades and patches. To prevent a patch or upgrade from clobbering your .cf file, or renaming it to
.cf.old, you can set the desired properties instead.
/etc/mail/cf/README Describes sendmail configuration files.
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
|Availability |SUNWsndmr |
|Interface Stability |Committed |
make(1S), ps(1), sendmail(1M), svcadm(1M), attributes(5)
System Administration Guide: Network Services
SunOS 5.11 8 May 2008 sendmail(4)