Last command displays wrong information

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Operating Systems Solaris Last command displays wrong information
# 1  
Old 07-30-2011
Last command displays wrong information

Hi am having Solaris10 - Sun-Fire-V890 server, the information displayed by Last command is wrong how do i get this sorted without loosing any datas..
# uptime
 12:32am  up 20 day(s), 33 min(s),  1 user,  load average: 1.54, 1.82, 1.93
# last reboot
reboot    system boot                   Sat Jun  7 23:12
reboot    system down                   Sat Jun  7 23:10
reboot    system boot                   Sun Jun  1 00:12
reboot    system down                   Sat Jun  7 23:09
reboot    system boot                   Sun Jun  1 00:12
# date
Sat Jul 30 00:32:56 CDT 2011

---------- Post updated at 04:34 AM ---------- Previous update was at 01:35 AM ----------

guru's please help..

Last edited by Scott; 07-30-2011 at 04:33 AM.. Reason: Code tags, please.
# 2  
Old 07-30-2011
On Solaris 10

The information that last uses resides in

the information for uptime is in:

The disparity you see is not a big deal. It means someone did something to one of the files; it does not mean there is something horribly wrong with your system
This User Gave Thanks to jim mcnamara For This Post:
# 3  
Old 07-30-2011
Fix your corrupt wtmpx file. The usual reason for having one is /var file system being almost full while some event is logged in wtmpx.

I haven't tried it but you might get help with that tool:
martin carpenter / projects / ckwtmpx
This User Gave Thanks to jlliagre For This Post:
# 4  
Old 07-30-2011
Solaris also provides system tool for fixing wtmpx. Check
man wtmpfix

This User Gave Thanks to bartus11 For This Post:
# 5  
Old 07-30-2011
AFAIK, wtmpfix can fix corrupted entries but not truncated ones, i.e. those that make the newer logs unreadable by regular tools.

Edit: After looking at its source code, wtmpfix does actually fix truncated entries too.

Cross Reference: /onnv/onnv-gate/usr/src/cmd/acct/wtmpfix.c

Last edited by jlliagre; 07-30-2011 at 06:38 PM..
This User Gave Thanks to jlliagre For This Post:
# 6  
Old 07-30-2011
Thanks all, for helping me ..
Bartuss11: how do i use wtmpfix command.. will it lead to server reboot or loss in the data which is there in wtmpx file.

I even checked the size of wtmpx file its 6M file..
# 7  
Old 07-30-2011
Originally Posted by Sojourner
Thanks all, for helping me ..
Bartuss11: how do i use wtmpfix command.. will it lead to server reboot or loss in the data which is there in wtmpx file.

I even checked the size of wtmpx file its 6M file..
You use it like this:
cp /var/adm/wtmpx /var/adm/wtmpx.bak
/usr/lib/acct/wtmpfix /var/adm/wtmpx > /var/adm/wtmpx.tmp
mv /var/adm/wtmpx.tmp /var/adm/wtmpx

No reboot is required. If there is some problem with last command after this operation, you can simply restore the file from the backup copy:
cp /var/adm/wtmpx.bak /var/adm/wtmpx

This User Gave Thanks to bartus11 For This Post:
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