Any specific time to reboot the sun server to avoid unplanned outage ??

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Operating Systems Solaris Any specific time to reboot the sun server to avoid unplanned outage ??
# 1  
Old 07-20-2011
Any specific time to reboot the sun server to avoid unplanned outage ??


Would like to know the uptime or specific time limit to reboot the sun microsystem to avoid unplanned outage.

# 2  
Old 07-20-2011
don't know if or where is the uptime limit on solaris, but i never heard about a uptime-limitation on solaris.
# 3  
Old 07-20-2011
Yeah...But its should have some uptime ..when we can reboot the system ??
# 4  
Old 07-20-2011
Why should it have a maximum uptime? My private Linux machine was running for 2 years straight until a power outage, and I've seen corporate machines with various Unixes running 5+ years.
# 5  
Old 07-20-2011
Originally Posted by pludi
Why should it have a maximum uptime? My private Linux machine was running for 2 years straight until a power outage, and I've seen corporate machines with various Unixes running 5+ years.
and it will be a nightmare if you are tasked to do a reboot of these long running machines... lolz. might not come up like you expected them to.
# 6  
Old 07-20-2011
Originally Posted by tamitot
and it will be a nightmare if you are tasked to do a reboot of these long running machines... lolz. might not come up like you expected them to.
Depends. My private machine really didn't come up again, since the HDD had been fried. The corporate machines came up after the kernel upgrade without a problem since all changes had been properly documented and tested on other machines. The only problem was getting the department heads to agree on a maintenance window.
# 7  
Old 07-20-2011
This thread is reminding me of Cinderella: if you don't reboot the machine by midnight, the server turns into a pumpkin. Smilie

Originally Posted by tamitot
and it will be a nightmare if you are tasked to do a reboot of these long running machines... lolz. might not come up like you expected them to.
My only concern with a very long-running system would be the lack of security updates. But, giving the admin the benefit of the doubt, that he/she is not an idiot, there are scenarios when even updates aren't important (e.g. a non-public machine accessed only by trusted users for a specific task ... if it ain't broke ...).

No offense intended, but suggesting a regular reboot for no reason other than to keep unidentified gremlins at bay sounds more like superstition than system administration to me. If simply running an operating system for extended periods of time renders it unbootable through some mechanism that's thwarted by regular reboots, one is forced to conclude that the operating system in question is unfit for production use.

With regard to hardware, if anything, due to the thermal stress involved, needlessly rebooting on a regular basis is a good way to shorten the machine's lifespan.

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