Forget ILOM Username passwd, how to reterive it from OS with out rebooting

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Operating Systems Solaris Forget ILOM Username passwd, how to reterive it from OS with out rebooting
# 1  
Old 06-17-2011
Forget ILOM Username passwd, how to reterive it from OS with out rebooting

Hi Every One,
Is their any command or solution to retrieve ILOM username and password from Solaris OS without rebooting or resetting.

# 2  
Old 06-17-2011
What model of server?
# 3  
Old 06-17-2011
These are 2 servers T5240 and T5220. I think ILOM SP comes only with these 2 servers in Sparc architecture.
# 4  
Old 06-17-2011
I have a procedure for a T5120 that involves popping the lid and installing a jumper. Don't know if it works on your boxes and in any event it clearly does not meet your "not rebooting" requirement.

Half of the problem is easy though. The user name is "root". Also, did you try "changeme" for the password? That is the factory set default and it's what the jumper would set it to. (This is very widely known so I see no problem in mentioning it here.)
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