Oracle Database and HTTPD Web Service

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Operating Systems Solaris Oracle Database and HTTPD Web Service
# 1  
Old 11-11-2009
Oracle Database and HTTPD Web Service


I have a Solaris 5.6 having an Oracle database.Now this server is being accessed by a web service interface.I cannot see anything other than httpd daemons running on my server. There is a frequent problem of the stopping of these httpd daemons . Now i am asked to find the root case.I talked to the people supporting the interface so they said they are accessing the oracle database and extracting the information.
Can anyone explain how the web service interface connects to Oracle through http and how does communication is established
Please let me know if i am required to give further details

Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 11-11-2009
check for the netstat -an and grep for the port
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