Disabled keystroke at the log-in menu

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Operating Systems Solaris Disabled keystroke at the log-in menu
# 1  
Old 10-17-2009
Disabled keystroke at the log-in menu


I am unable to enter my password because the OS does not respond to my keystrokes in the password field at the log-in menu, even though it does in the username field. I have no clue how to troubleshoot this. Please help me out.

Thank you
# 2  
Old 10-17-2009

Are you sure that it's just not <<displaying>> the characters you type?

If you're using CDE (as I do) then this is the case, but it's certainly accepting the input.
# 3  
Old 10-17-2009

I entered my password to no avail. The OS did not recognise it as valid. The insertion pointer does not move as I type either...
# 4  
Old 10-17-2009
I have no idea what a login menu is!

In most cases Solaris doesn't display a * as you type your password - so the "insertion point" doesn't move.

You need to give more details.

What are you using to login? telnet, ssh, CDE, some other GUI?

Who are you trying to login as? (root?, yourself?)

What is the error - or message - you get when you type your password and hit ENTER?

Is this a new problem, has it just started happening?
# 5  
Old 10-17-2009
Sorry, I meant to say the log-in 'screen'. I have reinstalled the OS on the same partition. During the first boot-up, I got an error message '<my hostname> console login: ............... My qualified host name (localhost) unknown; sleeping'. Next I got the <my hostname> console login prompt. I just hit the enter key there and got to the same log-in screen. This time I clicked-on the Help button and found that I was supposed to use 'root' for the username because I had not created any account. But all the same I had the same error message 'Login incorrect: please try again' regardless of the password that I entered. The help page does not give me any more useful advice on this matter. Please anyone give me possible troubleshooting.
# 6  
Old 10-18-2009
ah.. I want you to close your eyes and ignore the error message. Type your login (root), enter, password, enter...

The important part is to ignore the error messages. They are being written to the the console. Just look for the login: thingy and enter your id (root), then password. The password will not be echoed...
# 7  
Old 10-18-2009
When I hit enter once I've typed out a password, I get taken back to the screen with the username field on. I could never go further than the password screen. I confirm that I used 'root' as my username. I think it all comes down to what password I'm choosing. I never was asked to choose one. Can you please tell me what you are suppposed to type in the password field at your very first log-in?

Thank you
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