Solaris 10 Cluster on VMware ESX 3.5

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Operating Systems Solaris Solaris 10 Cluster on VMware ESX 3.5
# 1  
Old 09-02-2009
Solaris 10 Cluster on VMware ESX 3.5

Hello everybody,

I'm trying to create a S10 cluster on ESX 3.5 servers but I have several problems.

I use AMD Athtlon x64 CPU's on ESX servers and Solaris 10 U8 at my guest servers..

First and the most important problem, I dont know how to attach a RDM disk to Solaris 10. (Is it correct, should I definetly use a RDM disk for my cluster ?). Could you please show me the way to do that and the next steps.

It would be better to give me the correct links. Until now, I checked these guys pages but I couldnt find the way.

UNIX (Sun, AIX, HP-UX and Linux articles)
Sun Cluster Oasis

Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 09-04-2009
Hi i recently setup sun cluster 3.2 on esx 3.5 (32-bit), perhaps you can check my blog
Me, Myself and Who the hell are you?: sun cluster 3.2 on ESX 3.5 . to be honest im not a pro but I certainly hope this would help you
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