tape drives not recognised

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Operating Systems Solaris tape drives not recognised
# 1  
Old 08-27-2009
tape drives not recognised

I have a server/domain on a m5000 running Solaris 10. It is part of a cluster.
The other cluster member sees tape drives, but this one does not.
It is zoned correctly, and I can see the drives are binded in lputil.

The st.conf, and devlink.tab are identical.


# Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
#pragma ident "@(#)st.conf 1.34 04/06/24 SMI"
# The officially supported devices do not require a entry under
# tape-config-list as their configuration is built in to the driver.
# A non configured drive will say Unconfigured Drive: and have single quoted
# Vendor and Product strings displayed when it's status is checked with mt.
# mt -f /dev/rmt/# status
# Unconfigured Drive: Vendor 'VENDOR ' Product 'A Product ID '
# sense key(0x0)= No Additional Sense residual= 0 retries= 0
# file no= 0 block no= 0
# If your drive is displayed like this first check to see if a newer version
# of the st driver has added support for your drive.
# If your drive is not supported by Sun, check the drive manufacturer's
# documentation or web site for their recommended configuration strings.
# To configure a drive not supported by the driver, use the single quoted
# Vendor and Product strings to create a entry under tape-config-list.
# A starting point for your st.conf entry can be obtained by reading the
# current DEFAULT configuration from the driver using mt.
# mt -f /dev/rmt/# config
# "SONY SDX-700C", "SONY SDX-700C", "SONYSDX700C";
# SONYSDX700C = \
# 2,0x12,0,0x1865B,4,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0,120,120,3600,3600,3600,3600,3600;
# Notes:
# Any spaces in the Vendor field must be kept so that it is 8
# characters long. Trailing spaces in the Product field can be removed.
# To add this configuration information, first uncomment the
# "tape-config-list=" line, and add the first configuration line
# immediately afterward. If there is more than one entry in the
# tape-config-list, all entries but the last must end with a comma.
# The last entry ends with a semicolon.
# See the driver.conf(4) man page for general information on the conf
# file format, and the st(7d) man page for information specific to st.conf
# Example:
# "VENDOR A Product ID", "A Prettier Name to Display", "A-Config-Name",
# "VENDORB Other Product ID", "An Other Pretty Name", "Other-Config-Name";
# Then for each config-Name there must be a setup string that looks like this.
# A-Config-Name = \
# 2,0x34,0,0x18659,4,0x47,0x47,0x47,0x47,1,120,120,3600,3600,3600,3600,3600;
# Other-Config-Name = 1,0x3B,0,0x18659,4,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,3;
# For specific details for of values to use see the st(7D) man pages and
# drive vendor manuals.

name="st" class="scsi" target=0 lun=0;
name="st" class="scsi" target=1 lun=0;
name="st" class="scsi" target=2 lun=0;
name="st" class="scsi" target=3 lun=0;
name="st" class="scsi" target=4 lun=0;
name="st" class="scsi" target=5 lun=0;
name="st" class="scsi" target=6 lun=0;
name="st" class="scsi" target=7 lun=0;
name="st" class="scsi" target=8 lun=0;
# In case there are wide tape drives, one can use these targets
#name="st" class="scsi" target=9 lun=0;
#name="st" class="scsi" target=10 lun=0;
#name="st" class="scsi" target=11 lun=0;
#name="st" class="scsi" target=12 lun=0;
#name="st" class="scsi" target=13 lun=0;
#name="st" class="scsi" target=14 lun=0;
#name="st" class="scsi" target=15 lun=0;
# This line adds support for Fibre Channel Tapes
name="st" parent="fp" target=0;


#ident "@(#)devlink.tab.sh 1.72 00/07/17 SMI"
# Copyright (c) 1998 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# This is the table used by devlinks
# Each entry should have 2 fields; but may have 3. Fields are separated
# by single tab ('\t') characters.
# The fields are:
# devfs-spec: a keyword-value set of devfs specifications, describing the set
# of devfs node entries to be linked.
# The keywords are:
# type - The devinfo node type (see <sys/sunddi.h> for possible values)
# name - the devinfo node name (the part of a /devices entry that appears
# before the '@' or ':').
# addr - the devinfo node address part (the portion of the name between
# the '@' and the ':').
# minor - the minor-attributes (the portion of a /devices name after the
# ':').
# The keywords are separated from their valuse by an equals ('=') sign;
# keyword-value pairs are separated from each other by semicolons (';').
# dev name - the /dev name corresponding to the devfs node described by
# the devfs-spec field. This specification is assume to start rooted at
# The name can contain a number of escape-sequences to include parts of
# the devfs-name in the /dev/-name. These escape-sequences all start with
# a backslash ('\') character. The current sequences are:
# \D - the devfs 'name' field
# \An - the 'n'th component of the address field (n=0 means the whole
# address field)
# \Mn - the 'n'th component of the minor field (n=0 means the entire
# minor field).
# \Nn - a sequential counter, starting at n (a *single* digit, giving
# a starting range of 0 through 9).
# extra dev link - a few devices need a second link; that is, a second link
# pointing to the first link. This optional field specifies the /dev
# format of this second link. This entry can also use the above-described
# escape-sequences.
# Fields can be blank; seperated by single tab characters,
# Spaces are significant, and are considered part of a field. IN GENERAL THIS
# All fields must be present (even if blank)
# devfs-spec Dev-Namespec Extra-Link
type=pcmcia:event;name=pem pem
type=ddi_pseudo;name=SUNW,rtvc;minor=ctl rtvc\M0
type=ddi_pseudo;name=SUNW,rtvc \M0
type=ddi_pseudo;name=vxspec;minor=0,raw vx/config
type=ddi_pseudo;name=vxspec;minor=1,raw vx/trace
type=ddi_pseudo;name=vxspec;minor=2,raw vx/iod
type=ddi_pseudo;name=vxspec;minor=3,raw vx/info
type=ddi_pseudo;name=vxspec;minor=4,raw vx/task
type=ddi_pseudo;name=vxspec;minor=5,raw vx/taskmon
type=ddi_pseudo;name=vxspec;minor=6,raw vx/clust
type=ddi_pseudo;name=vxspec;minor=7,raw vx/netiod
type=ddi_pseudo;name=vxspec;minor=8,raw vx/vcevent
type=ddi_pseudo;name=vxdmp;minor=0,raw vx/dmpconfig
type=ddi_pseudo;name=fdd \D
type=ddi_pseudo;name=vxportal \D
type=ddi_pseudo;name=gab \M0
type=ddi_pseudo;name=vxfen \M0
type=ddi_pseudo;name=vxfen \M1

# lputil listhbas

20:00:00:00:c9:82:14:d3 10:00:00:00:c9:82:14:d3 0
20:00:00:00:c9:82:14:b3 10:00:00:00:c9:82:14:b3 1

# lputil shownodes 0
Visible Nodes:
Node Target WWPN WWNN
---- ------ --------- --------
In Transition 0 2e-1e-00-05-1e-36-30-d4 10-00-00-05-1e-36-30-d4
In Transition 0 21-fc-00-05-1e-36-30-d4 10-00-00-05-1e-36-30-d4
In Transition 0 21-fa-00-05-1e-36-30-d4 10-00-00-05-1e-36-30-d4
Automapped FCP Node 0 50-05-07-63-0f-5a-c3-0c 50-05-07-63-0f-1a-c3-0c
Automapped FCP Node 1 50-05-07-63-0f-5a-c3-63 50-05-07-63-0f-1a-c3-63
Automapped FCP Node 2 50-05-07-63-0f-5a-bd-0c 50-05-07-63-0f-1a-bd-0c
Automapped FCP Node 3 50-05-07-63-0f-5a-bd-63 50-05-07-63-0f-1a-bd-63

# lputil shownodes 1
Visible Nodes:
Node Target WWPN WWNN
---- ------ --------- --------
In Transition 0 2e-5e-00-05-1e-36-30-d4 10-00-00-05-1e-36-30-d4
In Transition 0 21-fc-00-05-1e-36-30-d4 10-00-00-05-1e-36-30-d4
In Transition 0 21-fa-00-05-1e-36-30-d4 10-00-00-05-1e-36-30-d4
Automapped FCP Node 0 50-05-07-63-0f-5a-c3-0c 50-05-07-63-0f-1a-c3-0c
Automapped FCP Node 1 50-05-07-63-0f-5a-c3-63 50-05-07-63-0f-1a-c3-63
Automapped FCP Node 2 50-05-07-63-0f-5a-bd-0c 50-05-07-63-0f-1a-bd-0c
Automapped FCP Node 3 50-05-07-63-0f-5a-bd-63 50-05-07-63-0f-1a-bd-63

# lputil version

One sees the drives, the other does not.

Any ideas would be welcomed.

Many Thanks.
# 2  
Old 08-31-2009
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