Finding PID of Killing process

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Operating Systems Solaris Finding PID of Killing process
# 1  
Old 08-26-2009
Error Finding PID of Killing process

Say I have 2 processes(perl scripts on Solaris machine) A and B.
the process A kill the process B.
While in the process B how do I print the PID of the process that Killed it(process A) before dieing.

My process A looks like
open(STATS, "ps -ef|");
while ($inputLine = <STATS>) {
    if ($inputLine =~ /\s*(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+.+((processB).+)/){
    $out=`kill $2`;

Now before processB dies, it should grep and print the PID of process A.

Can you please help me out.


Last edited by vgersh99; 08-26-2009 at 12:55 PM.. Reason: code tags, PLEASE!
# 2  
Old 08-26-2009
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The UNIX and Linux Forums
# 3  
Old 08-26-2009
You can't. The kernel does not retain who sent the signal.
# 4  
Old 08-26-2009
This is true.
If you insist doing it anyway and are not limited by using perl, just call a dtrace script that will monitor all the kills and print the one that affect your process.
# 5  
Old 08-27-2009
Not sure if you can get the information easily inside a Perl script, but if you install a signal handler with sigaction() you can get the process id of the process that sent the signal. See the man page for "siginfo.h":


Headers                                          siginfo.h(3HEAD)

     siginfo.h, siginfo - signal generation information

     #include <siginfo.h>

     If a process is catching a signal,  it might request  infor-
     mation  that tells why the system generated that signal. See
     sigaction(2). If a process is monitoring  its  children,  it
     might  receive  information  that  tells why a child changed
     state. See  waitid(2). In either case,  the  system  returns
     the  information  in  a  structure of type  siginfo_t, which
     includes the following information:

     int            si_signo        /* signal number */
     int            si_errno        /* error number */
     int            si_code         /* signal code */
     union sigval   si_value        /* signal value */

     si_signo contains the system-generated  signal  number.  For
     the  waitid(2) function,  si_signo is always  SIGCHLD.

     If  si_errno is non-zero, it contains an error number  asso-
     ciated with this signal, as defined in  <errno.h>.

     si_code contains a code identifying the cause of the signal.

     If the value of the  si_code member is  SI_NOINFO, only  the
     si_signo  member  of  siginfo_t is meaningful, and the value
     of all other members is unspecified.

  User Signals
     If the value of  si_code is less than or equal  to  0,  then
     the  signal  was  generated by a user process (see  kill(2),
     _lwp_kill(2),  sigqueue(3RT),  sigsend(2),  abort(3C),   and
     raise(3C)) and the  siginfo structure contains the following
     additional information:

     pid_t        si_pid      /* sending process ID */
     uid_t        si_uid      /* sending user ID */
     ctid_t       si_ctid     /* sending contract ID */
     zoneid_t     si_zoneid   /* sending zone ID */S

     If the signal was generated by a user process, the following
     values are defined for si_code:

     SI_USER         The implementation sets si_code  to  SI_USER
                     if  the  signal  was  sent  by kill(2), sig-
                     send(2), raise(3C) or abort(3C).

SunOS 5.10          Last change: 19 Jul 2004                    1

Headers                                          siginfo.h(3HEAD)

     SI_LWP          The signal was sent by _lwp_kill(2).

     SI_QUEUE        The signal was sent by sigqueue(3RT).

     SI_TIMER        The signal was generated by  the  expiration
                     of a timer created by timer_settime(3RT).

     SI_ASYNCIO      The signal was generated by  the  completion
                     of an asynchronous  I/O request.

     SI_MESGQ        The signal was generated by the arrival of a
                     message  on  an  empty  message  queue.  See

     si_value contains the application specified value, which  is
     passed  to the application's signal-catching function at the
     time of the signal delivery if  si_code is any of  SI_QUEUE,

  System Signals
     Non-user generated signals can arise for a  number  of  rea-
     sons.  For  all  of these cases, si_code contains a positive
     value reflecting the reason why  the  system  generated  the

     Signal         Code                 Reason
     SIGILL         ILL_ILLOPC           illegal opcode
                    ILL_ILLOPN           illegal operand
                    ILL_ILLADR           illegal addressing mode
                    ILL_ILLTRP           illegal trap
                    ILL_PRVOPC           privileged opcode
                    ILL_PRVREG           privileged register
                    ILL_COPROC           co-processor error
                    ILL_BADSTK           internal stack error
     SIGFPE         FPE_INTDIV           integer divide by zero
                    FPE_INTOVF           integer overflow
                    FPE_FLTDIV           floating point divide by zero
                    FPE_FLTOVF           floating point overflow
                    FPE_FLTUND           floating point underflow
                    FPE_FLTRES           floating point inexact result
                    FPE_FLTINV           invalid floating point operation
                    FPE_FLTSUB           subscript out of range

SunOS 5.10          Last change: 19 Jul 2004                    2

Headers                                          siginfo.h(3HEAD)

     SIGSEGV        SEGV_MAPERR          address not mapped to object
                    SEGV_ACCERR          invalid permissions  for  mapped
     SIGBUS         BUS_ADRALN           invalid address alignment
                    BUS_ADRERR           non-existent physical address
                    BUS_OBJERR           object specific hardware error
     SIGTRAP        TRAP_BRKPT           process breakpoint
                    TRAP_TRACE           process trace trap
     SIGCHLD        CLD_EXITED           child has exited
                    CLD_KILLED           child was killed
                    CLD_DUMPED           child terminated abnormally
                    CLD_TRAPPED          traced child has trapped
                    CLD_STOPPED          child has stopped
                    CLD_CONTINUED        stopped child had continued
     SIGPOLL        POLL_IN              data input available
                    POLL_OUT             output buffers available
                    POLL_MSG             input message available
                    POLL_ERR             I/O error
                    POLL_PRI             high priority input available
                    POLL_HUP             device disconnected

     Signals can also be generated from the resource control sub-
     system.  Where  these signals do not already possess kernel-
     level siginfo codes, the siginfo si_code will be filled with
     SI_RCTL  to indicate a kernel-generated signal from an esta-
     blished resource control value.

        Signal            Code                   Reason
     SIGXRES        SI_RCTL            resource-control generated

     The uncatchable signals SIGSTOP and SIGKILL  have  undefined
     siginfo codes.

     Signals sent with a siginfo code of  SI_RCTL  contain  code-
     dependent information for kernel-generated signals:

        Code              Field                      Value
     SI_RCTL        hr_time si_entity   process-model entity of control

     In addition, the following signal-dependent  information  is
     available for kernel-generated signals:

        Signal            Field                      Value
     SIGILL         caddr_t si_addr     address of faulting instruction

SunOS 5.10          Last change: 19 Jul 2004                    3

Headers                                          siginfo.h(3HEAD)

     SIGSEGV        caddr_t si_addr     address   of   faulting   memory
     SIGCHLD        pid_t si_pid        child process ID
                    int si_status       exit value or signal
     SIGPOLL        long si_band        band    event    for    POLL_IN,
                                        POLL_OUT, or POLL_MSG

     _lwp_kill(2), kill(2), setrctl(2), sigaction(2), sigsend(2),
     waitid(2),    abort(3C),    aio_read(3RT),   mq_notify(3RT),
     raise(3C),          signal.h(3HEAD),          sigqueue(3RT),
     timer_create(3RT), timer_settime(3RT)

     For  SIGCHLD signals, if  si_code is equal  to   CLD_EXITED,
     then   si_status  is equal to the exit value of the process;
     otherwise, it is equal to the signal that caused the process
     to   change state. For some implementations, the exact value
     of si_addr might not be available; in that case, si_addr  is
     guaranteed  to  be on the same page as the faulting instruc-
     tion or memory reference.

SunOS 5.10          Last change: 19 Jul 2004                    4

# 6  
Old 08-27-2009
Indeed, sigaction would do the job too.
# 7  
Old 08-27-2009
Thanks for the help
BUt i researched about sigaction and I found out that it was supported with perl earlier, but they stop supporting it for perl5.8 and again started supporting with 5.10.
And this script that I am writing will be used by several users on several hosts with different perl versions(majority with perl5.8).
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