Not able to start /SP/console

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Operating Systems Solaris Not able to start /SP/console
# 1  
Old 08-26-2009
Not able to start /SP/console

Dear All,

Does anyone has any clue for the errors below? I have tried resetting the ILOM but to no avail. No luck in locating /var/lock either.

*** Problem encountered thru NetManagement port. Not able to try it out using console yet.

-> start /SP/console
Are you sure you want to start /SP/console (y/n)? y
To stop, hit ESC (
Cannot lock /dev/ttyS1 (remove /var/lock/LCK..*)

-> start /SP/console
Are you sure you want to start /SP/console (y/n)? y
To stop, hit ESC (
Cannot lock /dev/ttyS1 (remove /var/lock/LCK..*)

-> start /SP/console
Are you sure you want to start /SP/console (y/n)? y
To stop, hit ESC (
Cannot lock /dev/ttyS1 (remove /var/lock/LCK..*)

Thanks in advance.

# 2  
Old 08-26-2009
does "start -f /SP/console" work...?
# 3  
Old 08-28-2009
There isnt any -f option available. Issue resolved after stopped and restarted the /SP/console.

# 4  
Old 08-28-2009

stop /SP/console
start /SP/console

If that doesn't work:

stop -f /SP/console
start /SP/console
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