Solaris Cluster - Futjisu PrimePower 450

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Operating Systems Solaris Solaris Cluster - Futjisu PrimePower 450
# 1  
Old 08-17-2009
Solaris Cluster - Futjisu PrimePower 450

Hi all,

Current i do a research for the Solaris cluster. THe purpose is to replace the Veritas.

And i saw this link about the system requirement.
Solaris Cluster - Tech Specs
At here, I wish to double confirm that, is it Solaris Cluster not suitable for Futjisu PrimePower 450 ? Any idea or opinion ?

Below is the spec for the Futjisu PrimePower 450
Below is the  specification
     * Application Area: Computer  Nodes
     * Processors: 1 - 4  SPARC64-V
     * L1 Cache:  256K/CPU
     * L2 Cache: 1 or 2 MB/CPU (for  1.1 or 1.32 Ghz, respectively), 3 MB/CPU for 1.65, 1.87, and 1.98  Ghz
     * Clock speed: 1.1, 1.32, 1.65,  1.87, or 1.98 Ghz
     * Disk Storage Capacity: (hot  swap)
           o Rackmount 4U: 558.0 GB  (147.0 GB x4)
           o Rackmount 7U: 882.0 GB  (147.0 GB x6)
           o Floor-stand: 882.0 GB  (147.0 GB x6)
     * Bus Bandwidth: 14.08  GB/s
     * Memory: Up to 32 GB  DDR1-SDRAM
     * Max. PCI Slots: 6 (Rackmount  4U) - 9 (Rackmount 7U and Floor-stand)
     * On board SCSI controller: SCSI  Ultra 320
     * Redundant components: Power  Supply, Fan, Disks
     * Preventive maintenance alerts:  CPU, Memory, HDD Disk, Fan, PSU
     * Remote diagnosis: XSCF  (eXtended System Control Facility)
 * Operating System: Solaris 8, 9, or  10 Operating Environments

# 2  
Old 08-18-2009
the primepower is the same machine as the M series from sun (they invented this machines together). so the cluster will run on this plattform AND should be supported.
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