M5000 Question

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Operating Systems Solaris M5000 Question
# 1  
Old 08-13-2009
M5000 Question

Hi i 've a M5000 running 2 domains in my Lab with following hardconf

SPARC Enterprise M5000; Memory_Size:128 GB;
    |              FRU                  |  Quantity  |
    | MBU_B                             |       1    |
    |     CPUM                          |       2    |
    |         Freq:2.150 GHz;           |   (   4)   |
    |     MEMB                          |       8    |
    |         MEM                       |      64    |
    |             Type:2B; Size:2 GB;   |   (  64)   |
    |     DDC_A                         |       4    |
    |     DDC_B                         |       2    |
    | IOU                               |       2    |
    |     DDC_A                         |       2    |
    |     DDCR                          |       2    |
    |         DDC_B                     |       2    |
    | XSCFU                             |       1    |
    | OPNL                              |       1    |
    | PSU                               |       4    |
    | FANBP_C                           |       1    |
    |     FAN_A                         |       4    |

Now i want to partition the 2nd domain further to create a 3rd domain with equal resources on both 2nd and 3rd. For that i set the XSB to quad mode and created the 3rd domin. But now the 3rd domain does not have any network interface and no HDD and the 2nd domain has been deprived of HBA cards. Is it possible to move one HBA card from 3rd to second domain and one network interface from 2nd to 3rd domain ?

Let me know if i some needs more info on this.

XSCF> showboards -a
XSB  DID(LSB) Assignment  Pwr  Conn Conf Test    Fault
---- -------- ----------- ---- ---- ---- ------- --------
00-0 00(00)   Assigned    y    y    y    Passed  Normal
01-0 01(01)   Assigned    y    y    y    Passed  Normal
01-1 02(00)   Assigned    y    n    n    Passed  Normal
01-2 SP       Unavailable y    n    n    Unmount Normal
01-3 SP       Unavailable y    n    n    Unmount Normal

# 2  
Old 08-13-2009
the onboard nics and harddisks can't be moved to third out forth domain. you need a nic card and externel scsi or fc disks (depending on your HBA) to boot another domain...
# 3  
Old 08-13-2009
Ok but the problem is the last domain wich i created domain 02 has the 2 fiber cards and the second domain domain 01 has all the NICS on board and external one. There's another thing after the XSB was set in quad mode the 2 domains are showing 16g of memory for each XSB isn't there anyway to assign it to one of the domain

XSCF> addboard -c assign -d 2 01-2
XSB#01-2 will be assigned to DomainID 2. Continue?[y|n] :y
XSB#01-2 is not installed.

# 4  
Old 08-13-2009
please read document 215688 on sunsolve.sun.com to get some light on your problems...
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