Help on X Window service

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Operating Systems Solaris Help on X Window service
# 8  
Old 08-11-2009
Originally Posted by narendra.reddy
Hi ,
Sorry for the confusion, below is the xml file dependencies


As i said earlier, tried to set the x11-server dependency, which is always in maintenence mode.

To make things clear is the x11 service in maintenance mode or is it so that adding it as dependency makes your service go into maintenance mode?

Anyways, are you really using the pop-ups? If so this is actually an app that should be started as a part of the real Xserver startup. Usually you only startup "xdm" as a service and not a real Xserver since that is something that normally requires user interaction..

If you just want a dump for the pop-ups which you are never using then a memory based Xserver (forgot the name of it but think of it as Xnest but only in memory) can be used. You would then start that one in the startup script of your own app and use it to simply dump device for your pop-ups..

Cheers Dyna
# 9  
Old 08-11-2009
x11 service is in maintenance mode. I tried to set the dependency with the x11 service, then my service is also not starting.

We have to display the popup's, else the application will not be useful.
Can you please let me know the real XServer service, if we have any?

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