rsh fails with -n option

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Operating Systems Solaris rsh fails with -n option
# 1  
Old 07-29-2009
rsh fails with -n option

Issue is with rsh loggin.

I tried logging into solaris machine from solaris machine using rsh with login prompt, it passes.

<Prompt for password> :
USERNAME logged in .......

when i try same command with -n option(required for automation), it fails,
permission denied

".rhosts" file has 0777 permission and contains the correct entry..

Case 1 : Remote machine is Solaris 8 and machine executing rsh command is Solaris 6.

Case 2 : when i use remote machine as Solaris 10 and machine executing rsh command is Solaris 6, it is successfull.

Any ideas why it is failing at Case 1 ?? Basically why -n option is failing and is there any alternate option ??
# 2  
Old 07-29-2009
-n option is to redirect the output to dev/null

rsh -n -l username IPaddr ". ~/.profile >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; YOUR COMMAND HERE"

---------- Post updated at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous update was at 01:17 PM ----------

-n Redirect the input of rsh to /dev/null. You
sometimes need this option to avoid unfor-
tunate interactions between rsh and the
shell which invokes it. For example, if you
are running rsh and invoke a rsh in the
background without redirecting its input
away from the terminal, it blocks even if no
reads are posted by the remote command. The
-n option prevents this.
# 3  
Old 07-30-2009
Even this comman fails,

Reva% rsh -n -l ora1040 ". ~/.profile >/dev/null 2>/dev/null;ls"
permission denied
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