How do I send a file as an attachment (gzip file) on a Unix system

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers How do I send a file as an attachment (gzip file) on a Unix system
# 1  
Old 07-03-2002
How do I send a file as an attachment (gzip file) on a Unix system


How do I send a file as an attachment (gzip file) on a Unix system ? Using sendmail.

Please help me.

# 2  
Old 07-03-2002
If you do a search on this site for mail AND attachment, you should get your answer. If that doesn't help, then post back with specific problems.

Please also read the FAQ's and the rules (#5). Thanks.
# 3  
Old 07-03-2002
I'm trying to send a mail from unix with a attach gzip file with the follow parameters:

Content-Type: application/x-gzip; name="xpto.txt.gz"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: x-gzip
Content-Disposition: inline;filename="xpto.txt.gz"
MIME-Version: 1.0

When I receive the mail in outlook and I try to decompress the file with winzip, give an error telling the file is corrupt.

What is wrong with these parameters ?

Best regards.
# 4  
Old 07-03-2002
It is probably a version problem between gzip and winzip.

I first sent a gzipped file to NT and tried to open it. I used gzip version 1.2.4 (very old Aug 93) and WinZip 7.0. WinZip didn't want to look at the file - gave me an option to use WinZip classic which did open the gzipped file.

I then used the commands found in the different questions answered in the past about mailing attachments. I mailed the gz file which showed up as an attachment in Outlook. I saved it to disk, opened up WinZip (used classic) and it worked fine.

Command used:
uuencode messages.0.gz newmess.txt |mailx -s"test"
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