Renaming script

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# 1  
Old 12-01-2002
Renaming script

iam looking for a PERL script to goto a folder and rename all the files in it.can some one help me please?
# 2  
Old 12-01-2002
I could possibly help you ...

How would you like to rename them? Change an extension? Number them?

How do you know which folder? Pre-defined? Ask at run-time?
# 3  
Old 12-01-2002
I would like to rename the file name (e.g test1.txt to test.txt)
for the folder, ask at run time. ( can you also tell me the command for a pre-defined please)

# 4  
Old 12-02-2002
What system is it for? Unix or Windows? And what's it for, by-the-way?
# 5  
Old 12-02-2002
its for win98 or unix. its basicly to get the file in the folder and rename them,so i can put others in with that same name (before the others were renamed) so that if theres a problem with the new files i put in, i simply rename d others back to d original
# 6  
Old 12-02-2002
Haven't quite had the chance to properly test this - and it's aimed at Windows machines; but here you go! Give it a try and let me know!

See below for improved WORKING version! Smilie

Last edited by WIntellect; 12-02-2002 at 06:05 PM..
# 7  
Old 12-02-2002
getting loads of errors!!!! any other idea
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