progress bar

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# 1  
Old 11-25-2002
progress bar

i am trying to write a script where in it will connect to remote servers and execute remote scripts to fetch some data and ftp it back to a main server. i would like to add a script where it will show some sort of status bar until such time that the expected files have been recieved.

something like:

Getting information on remote servers .................. done!

the "." will not stop until the script find those files (more than 1 file) and print the word "done!" when all of them have been received.

can someone give me an idea?


# 2  
Old 11-25-2002
just got the answer


i just got the answer using...

until loop.

sorry for the inconvinience

# 3  
Old 11-25-2002
Could you post your answer for the less enlightened or program challenged??? Smilie

We are trying to create a DB here for users to search for answers.

Thanks bunches!! Smilie
# 4  
Old 11-26-2002

dot_stat() {

let count=0

until test -s "$expect_file"
echo ".\c"

let count=$count+1

if test $count -eq 30
echo "Some servers you are trying to fetch data is not responding!"
echo "Try again later!"
exit 1

sleep 1

echo " done!" ;


echo "Fetching data "
rexec remote_server -l user command

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