Is there any way to use UNIX and Perl to automate sending e-mail. I got a dynamic changing file that send out to people in my mailing list and want to experinment to see if Perl and UNIX can send it out for me when the content is change. I found a Perl source code but dont really know how to use it can any one help
CODE for perl:
%mailcfg = (
# List of SMTP servers:
'smtp' => [ qw( localhost ) ],
#'smtp' => [ qw( mail.mydomain.com ) ], # example
'from' => '', # default sender e-mail, used when no From header in mail
'mime' => 1, # use MIME encoding by default
'retries' => 1, # number of retries on smtp connect failure
'delay' => 1, # delay in seconds between retries
'tz' => '', # only to override automatic detection
'port' => 25, # change it if you always use a non-standard port
'debug' => 0 # prints stuff to STDERR
require Exporter;
use strict;
use vars qw(
use Socket;
use Time::Local; # for automatic time zone detection
eval("use MIME::QuotedPrint");
$mailcfg{'mime'} &&= (!$@);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&sendmail);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
my $word_rx = '[\x21\x23-\x27\x2A-\x2B\x2D\w\x3D\x3F]+';
my $user_rx = $word_rx
.'(?:\.' . $word_rx . ')*' ;
my $dom_rx = '\w[-\w]*(?:\.\w[-\w]*)*'; # less valid chars in domain names
my $ip_rx = '\[\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}\]';
$address_rx = '((' . $user_rx . ')\@(' . $dom_rx . '|' . $ip_rx . '))';
; # v. 0.6
sub time_to_date {
my $time = $_[0] || time(); # default to now if no argument
my @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
my @wdays = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat);
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)
= localtime($time);
$TZ ||= $mailcfg{'tz'};
if ( $TZ eq "" ) {
# offset in hours
my $offset = sprintf "%.1f", (timegm(localtime) - time) / 3600;
my $minutes = sprintf "%02d", ( $offset - int($offset) ) * 60;
$TZ = sprintf("%+03d", int($offset)) . $minutes;
return join(" ",
($wdays[$wday] . ','),
sprintf("%02d", $hour) . ":" . sprintf("%02d", $min),
sub sendmail {
$error = '';
$log = "Mail::Sendmail v. $VERSION - " . scalar(localtime()) . "\n";
local $_;
local $/ = "\015\012";
my (%mail, $k,
$smtp, $server, $port, $connected, $localhost,
$message, $fromaddr, $recip, @recipients, $to, $header,
sub fail {
# things to do before returning a sendmail failure
print STDERR @_ if $^W;
$error .= join(" ", @_) . "\n";
close S;
return 0;
foreach $k (keys %mailcfg) {
if ($k =~ /[A-Z]/) {
$mailcfg{lc($k)} = $mailcfg{$k};
while (@_) {
# arrange keys case
$k = ucfirst lc(shift @_);
if (!$k and $^W) {
warn "Received false mail hash key: \'$k\'. Did you forget to put it in quotes?\n";
$k =~ s/\s*:\s*$//o; # kill colon (and possible spaces) at end, we add it later.
$mail{$k} = shift @_;
$smtp = $mail{'Smtp'} || $mail{'Server'} || $default_smtp_server;
unshift @{$mailcfg{'smtp'}}, $smtp if ($smtp and $mailcfg{'smtp'}->[0] ne $smtp);
delete $mail{'Smtp'}; delete $mail{'Server'};
$mailcfg{'port'} = $mail{'Port'} || $default_smtp_port || $mailcfg{'port'} || 25;
delete $mail{'Port'};
$mailcfg{'retries'} = $connect_retries if defined($connect_retries);
$mailcfg{'delay'} = $retry_delay if defined($retry_delay);
local $^W = 0;
$message = join("", $mail{'Message'}, $mail{'Body'}, $mail{'Text'});
delete $mail{'Message'}; delete $mail{'Body'}; delete $mail{'Text'};
$fromaddr = $mail{'From'} || $default_sender || $mailcfg{'from'};
unless ($fromaddr =~ /$address_rx/) {
return fail("Bad or missing From address: \'$fromaddr\'");
$fromaddr = $1;
$mail{Date} ||= time_to_date() ;
$log .= "Date: $mail{Date}\n";
$message =~ s/^\./\.\./gom; # handle . as first character
$message =~ s/\r\n/\n/go; # normalize line endings, step 1 of 2 (next step after MIME encoding)
$mail{'Mime-version'} ||= '1.0';
$mail{'Content-type'} ||= 'text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"';
unless ( $mail{'Content-transfer-encoding'}
|| $mail{'Content-type'} =~ /multipart/io )
if ($mailcfg{'mime'}) {
$mail{'Content-transfer-encoding'} = 'quoted-printable';
$message = encode_qp($message);
else {
$mail{'Content-transfer-encoding'} = '8bit';
if ($message =~ /[\x80-\xFF]/o) {
$error .= "MIME::QuotedPrint not present!\nSending 8bit characters, hoping it will come across OK.\n";
warn "MIME::QuotedPrint not present!\n",
"Sending 8bit characters, hoping it will come across OK.\n"
if $^W;
$message =~ s/\n/\015\012/go; # normalize line endings, step 2.
# Get recipients
{ # don't warn for undefined values below
local $^W = 0;
$recip = join(", ", $mail{To}, $mail{Cc}, $mail{Bcc});
delete $mail{'Bcc'};
@recipients = ();
while ($recip =~ /$address_rx/go) {
push @recipients, $1;
unless (@recipients) {
return fail("No recipient!")
$localhost = (gethostbyname('localhost'))[0] || 'localhost';
foreach $server ( @{$mailcfg{'smtp'}} ) {
# open socket needs to be inside this foreach loop on Linux,
# otherwise all servers fail if 1st one fails !??! why?
unless ( socket S, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, (getprotobyname 'tcp')[2] ) {
return fail("socket failed ($!)")
print "- trying $server\n" if $mailcfg{'debug'} > 1;
$server =~ s/\s+//go; # remove spaces just in case of a typo
# extract port if server name like "mail.domain.com:2525"
($server =~ s/
.+)$//o) ? $port = $1 : $port = $mailcfg{'port'};