scripting question

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# 1  
Old 11-22-2002
Question scripting question

I'm new to shell scripting and am having a problem trying to do something in C shell. I want to write a script that will input something instead of a user doing it. For example, using the command 'write' the user is supposed to type something to be sent to another user. I want a script to be able to send the message.
# 2  
Old 11-22-2002
write is an interactive command (do a man write).. so it can't be used in scripts... there are no non-interactive options that I know of with write...

by default you are not permitted to write to another terminal... both users should allow write using the "mesg" command...

# 3  
Old 11-25-2002
Have a look at Expect, it should be able to do what you are asking.
# 4  
Old 11-26-2002
write can be used in scripts (at least the versions I've used).

#! /bin/sh

echo "\nHello there!\n" | /usr/bin/write username

or if you've got a longer message, this should work:
#! /bin/sh

/usr/bin/write username <<EOF

Hello there!
I was just
looking though
all of your files, 
and found your
 purity test! You
dirty bird, you!


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