How can my unix shell script automatically connect to remote host?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How can my unix shell script automatically connect to remote host?
# 1  
Old 11-15-2002
Question How can my unix shell script automatically connect to remote host?

How can my unix shell script automatically connect to remote host?

Assume that there is a remote host called "rhost". When I connect to that host i give the command "telnet rhost".

It then asks me for my id and password. Once i give it connects there.

I want to automate these steps. I want a shell script which will automatically connect to 'rhost'. I shall provide my userid and password in the shell script.

What i need is just to run that shell script and the script will connect me to 'rhost'.




# 2  
Old 11-15-2002
This smacks of a homework question, and what's more this:

indicates you are particularly bad student. You shouldn't wish for people to just write you code on demmand.

Anyway this question has been asked many times before - search the forums.
# 3  
Old 11-18-2002
Of course if you are cunning there are ways where you don't need to provide a userid and password in the shell script Smilie Smilie Smilie
You just need to make both machines ..........
# 4  
Old 11-25-2002
automatic keying in SSH

Have a look at ssh. It features keyed authentication where you do not need to enter a username/password to connect to another machine. There are quite a few articles about this on the web (Daniel Robbins of Gentoo Linux has done a wonderful howto on this with openssh, and even offers a keyring tool called keychain).
# 5  
Old 11-25-2002
links please?

i'm quite interested in this myself now (of course i'm not doing it for my homework! Smilie neither is my pinky glued to the caps lock key Smilie )

# 6  
Old 11-26-2002
The only link you'll ever need:
# 7  
Old 05-16-2006
forget telnet use ssh,
the ssh man-pages describes the way
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