displaying date

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# 1  
Old 11-13-2002
displaying date

Hi All,

When I type date..I get the date, time ..etc displayed
...but can someone help me to display yesterdays date... some script to display back dates.

Thanks in advance

# 2  
Old 11-13-2002
See this post for the info you are looking for.
# 3  
Old 11-13-2002
Thanx RTM !!!

Isn't there any OS built system utility e.g. something like "sysdate"

Also I chked the post u suggested.
Another query --- When I type

# date
Wed Nov 13 13:54:09 CST 2002
#d=`TZ=a30 date +%a' '%b' '%e' '%T' '%Z' '%Y`
#echo $d
Tue Nov 12 13:54:38 a 2002

Now, Can you pls. help me how to display the Time Zone properly.

# 4  
Old 11-13-2002
There is not a sysdate in UNIX.

As far as your command, why are you setting the TZ and where are you getting the information? This is the portion that is incorrect.

(fyi - you don't need all those quotes)
$ d=`date +'%a %b %e %T %Z %Y'`
$ echo $d
Wed Nov 13 15:55:37 EST 2002
# 5  
Old 11-13-2002
What Unix are you using?
There may be a different answer if you're on Linux or if you have GNU Date installed...
# 6  
Old 11-13-2002
I did it another way. Put a cron to run at 2315 daily to create a file with yesterday's date in whatever format u need. ANd read the file when u want. It is not the most elegant solution but it works for me!!
# 7  
Old 11-14-2002
I'm using SunOS 5.7
RTM - Thanx for the " quotes thing " but after setting TZ=a30, I get yesterday's date. Similarly I dont just want yesterday's date..it can be any number of days back.

Just for additional knowledge, if u can help me out with the timezone error then it would be great.

Anyways, i got a script which converts the date to any number of days back.

Thanx all for ur replies.

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