anti virus caller

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting anti virus caller
# 1  
Old 11-08-2002
anti virus caller

Hi all.

Iam using AVG antivirus personel edition, and i can only set it to run at one time only. Iam running it on a Win98 machine. is it possilbe to write a Perl script or c++ script to set it up to run at 12pm and 3pm and 6pm ???
# 2  
Old 11-08-2002
Re: anti virus caller

Originally posted by perleo
Hi all.

Iam using AVG antivirus personel edition, and i can only set it to run at one time only. Iam running it on a Win98 machine. is it possilbe to write a Perl script or c++ script to set it up to run at 12pm and 3pm and 6pm ???
Isn't there some kind of scheduler on win platforms, kind of like Cron but with a GUI?
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