Question about times and so

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# 1  
Old 11-01-2002
Error Question about times and so

I've got an logfile like:

Start dump db_name1 : Wed Oct 30 15:08:47 MET 2002
Ready dump db_name1 : Wed Oct 30 15:14:46 MET 2002

Start dump db_name2 : Wed Oct 30 15:14:46 MET 2002
Ready dump db_name2 : Wed Oct 30 15:15:36 MET 2002

Start dump db_name3 : Wed Oct 30 15:15:36 MET 2002
Ready dump db_name3 : Wed Oct 30 15:17:00 MET 2002

What I want to do is make a file which looks as follows:
db_name1 db_name2 db_name3
Oct 30 5:99 0:50 1:24 <- duration of dump

So that everytime I dump the databases a line is added in the file.
How can I do this ? With AWK ? or something else.
Especially how can I subtract the times ?
I hope that somebody can help me. Smilie
# 2  
Old 11-19-2002
One solution would be to use Perl and the Delta_DHMS function of Date::Calc. Install it from CPAN if you don't have the module. This module makes it easy to determine the delta of two different date values in seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc.
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