Sed Question

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# 1  
Old 10-31-2002
Sed Question

Is there any way to traverse the file once and look for the following conditions in one sweep instead of going over the file 3 times with different search criteria......
sed -n '/^ORA-07445/ p' /tmp/t$$ > ${OERRFILE}
sed -n '/^ORA-00600/ p' /tmp/t$$ >> ${OERRFILE}
sed -n '/^Error/ p' /tmp/t$$ >> ${OERRFILE}
# 2  
Old 10-31-2002
I may be way off, but you could use egrep (or sometimes grep -E) for what you're trying to do:
egrep "^(ORA-07445|ORA-00600|Error)" /tmp/t$$ >${OERRFILE}

Or you could use 'sed -e "blah" -e "blah" -e "blah"'. Check your local man pages to be sure.
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