calling sqlplus from shell

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# 1  
Old 10-23-2002
calling sqlplus from shell

Hi All,

I am executing the following code :-

sqlplus -s ${DATABASE_USER} |&
print -p -- 'set feed off pause off pages 0 head off veri off line 500'
print -p -- 'set term off time off serveroutput on size 1000000'
print -p -- "set sqlprompt ''"
print -p -- "SELECT run_command from tmp_run_batch where upper(batch_name) = upper('${PAR_PROGRAM_NAME}');"
eval print -p -- \""execute dbms_output.put_line(${RUN_COMMAND});"\"
read -p RET_VAL
print -p -- "exit;"

The select stmt given above gives sample output as :-


And then this package is executed.

The problem that I am facing is how to handle the no_data_found case of the select stmt. . When this case arises then the stmt. "read -p RUN_COMMAND" hangs.

Could you please provide any solution ?

# 2  
Old 10-24-2002
Not sure if this will help or not - post your version of Sybase if it does not help you.

Sybase FAQ
# 3  
Old 10-24-2002
It appears that you're using ksh, or some other modern shell, so you should be able to use the timeout option of read... to be honest, I don't know if it's work in this situation, since it should timeout "when reading from a terminal or pipe" - I don't know if a coprocess is considered a pipe in this case.

In any case, you should be able to say "read -t 30 -p RET_VAL".
If after 30 seconds, nothing happens, read will return code 1, and exit. You can place some code to check the return of read, and act from there.

Good luck!
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