trouble with script

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# 1  
Old 10-17-2002
trouble with script

I'm having a little trouble finishing up this script any help would be great.

My system is SCO OpenServer Enterprise System (ver 5.0.5m) and i'm using sh

This script checks todays date and goes and downloads a file with yesterdays date in the name.

day=`eval date +%Y%m`
tmp1=`eval date +%d`
num=`eval echo $tmp1 - 1 | bc`
cd /tmp
ftp -i -n $Server <<here
user $usern $pword
cd folder1
cd folder2
get $file
Now my problem is what happens on the first of the month... how do i make this script use the 30th or the 31th on the first of the month.

Any help would be great.

# 2  
Old 10-17-2002

I believe there are versions of "date" out there that provide date subtraction functionality, but here's a thought:

TODAY=$(date +%d)

if [ ${TODAY} = 01 ]
[ ${MONTH} = "01" ] && YES_DAY=31
[ ${MONTH} = "02" ] && YES_DAY=31
[ ${MONTH} = "03" ] && YES_DAY=28
[ ${MONTH} = "04" ] && YES_DAY=31
[ ${MONTH} = "05" ] && YES_DAY=30
[ ${MONTH} = "06" ] && YES_DAY=31
[ ${MONTH} = "07" ] && YES_DAY=30
[ ${MONTH} = "08" ] && YES_DAY=31
[ ${MONTH} = "09" ] && YES_DAY=31
[ ${MONTH} = "10" ] && YES_DAY=30
[ ${MONTH} = "11" ] && YES_DAY=31
[ ${MONTH} = "12" ] && YES_DAY=30

There may be an easier way, but I thought I'd toss this out there to get you started. You may also want to modify the above to account for leap years.

You can check out the following page for some more ideas/scripts:

Hope this helps!

Systems/Network Administrator
LiveFire Labs - Hands-On Technical e-Learning
# 3  
Old 10-17-2002
P.S. Using a case statement in place of the multiple tests will reduce the amount of code needed.

Systems/Network Administrator
LiveFire Labs - Hands-On Technical e-Learning
# 4  
Old 10-17-2002
I posted a script that can handle date arithmetic. You can find it in this post.
# 5  
Old 10-17-2002
Thanks Guys,

That was exactly what I needed.
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