Erase files and directory

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# 1  
Old 09-12-2002
Erase files and directory

I have a set of files created under different name, but they all have the same directory name at some point. I will like to delete all the files and directories after the common name:

Here is an example:


what single find/erase command can I use to erase all the files and directory after the results folder.

Thank you,

# 2  
Old 09-12-2002
no single find/erase commnad but more like a string of commnads owuld work.

i mean just off the top of my head for something quick and dirty you could try.....

rm -fr `ls -lR|grep results|grep ^\..*:$`

i am sure you can figure something out.

Last edited by Optimus_P; 09-12-2002 at 07:43 PM..
# 3  
Old 09-13-2002
If you use ksh or bash you can do:
find . -name results | while read d ; do rm -rf $d/* ; done
# 4  
Old 09-13-2002
Thanks everyone, that really works fine. All I wanted was an idea on how to go about it and you guys have done just that.


Odogbolu 98
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