Shell script automation using case statement

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# 1  
Old 09-11-2002
Shell script automation using case statement


I'm trying to write a shell script that has a menu and then dependant on the selection, will automate some samba file transfer.

The problem is when I run the code without the case statement it runs fine. but when I put the case statement in the only way I can get the code to run is to remove the "SMB_1" entries but then the samba commands are no longer automated. Help please !!

Code is below :

#Deployment script

echo " Please select one of the following :

1. Upload from dev platform
2. End

Please enter choice : "
read sel

case $sel in
1) echo "going to upload from dev ..."
/opt/samba/bin/smbclient //devsyst1/packages$ -Wdevsyst11 -Uadministrator << SMB_1
tar c syst_update.tar NewSyst
gzip syst_update.tar
*) echo "gone"

Any ideas ?Smilie
# 2  
Old 09-11-2002
why not do an actual menu system. maby this will help ya.

this seems to work for me.

PS3='Your selection? '
select option in 'Send_to_Dev' quit; do
        if [[ $option == 'Send_to_Dev' ]]; then
                cat << EOF
super cool

                echo BAD

Last edited by Optimus_P; 09-11-2002 at 12:07 PM..
# 3  
Old 09-11-2002
Or use the smbtar utility packaged with the samba suite...
# 4  
Old 09-12-2002
Tried the menu code but kept getting an error :

unexpected do

Any ideas ?

Also can't find smbtar in samba suite ... I've got a standard Solaris install of it, if that makes any difference.

Cheers ....
# 5  
Old 09-12-2002
Originally posted by ianf
Tried the menu code but kept getting an error :

unexpected do
The select statement is a ksh thing. It won't work with sh.
# 6  
Old 09-12-2002
Maybe you can try this simple menu (this is origanally for AIX)

# Main loop
while [ 1 ]
cat <<-EOT

1. start programm 1
2. start programm 2
3. start programm 3

type exit to quit


echo " Enter your choice: \c"
read choice
case $choice in
exit) clear
echo "\nEnd of session...\n"
exit 0
echo "\007\007\007\c"
echo "\n This choice does not exist, please choose another one ! \c"
sleep 2
# 7  
Old 09-12-2002
my bad i thought i had included the shell. here this works now.


PS3='Your selection? '
select option in 'Send_to_Dev' quit; do
        if [[ $option == 'Send_to_Dev' ]]; then
                cat << EOF
super cool

                echo BAD

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