viewing at job commands

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# 1  
Old 08-21-2002
viewing at job commands

How can I see what at jobs are scheduled. I don't mean using atq or at -l for the jobs, but rather what actual commands are scheduled? For example with at 1940 < at_script, once the job is submitted how do I match the job id to the actual command, ie at_script?
# 2  
Old 08-23-2002
You can view the job by looking at the file it builds when you submit the at job. The job name is actually a file in /var/spool/cron/atjobs/. It sets up the job in the file so it's a bit more than just what you put in your input file.

This was what I submitted % at 0800am Aug 26 < myatjob
The file myatjob contains:
#!/bin/csh -f
# This is myatjob script

The job file contains:

more 1030363200.a
: at job
: jobname: stdin
: notify by mail: no
: project: 3
export MANPATH; MANPATH='/usr/share/man:/opt/OV/man'
export PATH;
export PWD; PWD='/home/test'
$SHELL << '...the rest of this file is shell input'
#ident "@(#).proto 1.3 89/12/12 SMI" /* SVr4.0 1.2 */
cd /home/test
umask 22
#!/bin/csh -f
# This is myatjob script
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