unix file to oracle table

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# 1  
Old 06-14-2008
unix file to oracle table

Hi ,
Can anyone help me regarding loading a unix file data to oracle database table using shell scripts?

I wanted to grep only this data from a spool file

but if I use grep I am getting format
99 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
convert the elapsed time to seconds and then

I want to load
sql_test.txt,99,00:00:00:01(converted to second like .0001 )
to a oracle table with columns
# 2  
Old 06-14-2008
If your input file contains exactly this:

99 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.01

You can obtain the insert statement by executing:
awk '
   /rows selected/ { $0=$1 }
   /Elapsed/       { split($2, t, ":"); $0=3600*t[1]+60*t[2]+t[3] }
                   { out=out sprintf("%s%s", NR==1?"":",", "\047"$0"\047") }
   END             { print("insert into MY_TABLE values ("out");") }
' input_file.txt

The generated output is:
insert into MY_TABLE values ('sql_test.txt','99','0.01');

# 3  
Old 06-14-2008
It worked

Thank you So much it worked.
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