nawk problem

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# 1  
Old 06-05-2002
nawk problem

How are ya,

Heres the problem.

I have a line of data that can either be in this format.

"20" or

for the 20kg one i need to be able to read that their is kg on the end of this field and then ignore it and move on to the next line. Can anyone help.

# 2  
Old 06-05-2002
Re: nawk problem


lets say that this data is in a file x
then you can try this

for i in `cat x`
echo $i|cut -c3-

# 3  
Old 06-05-2002
It faster to use the shell, if you have bash or ksh available to you:
while read item; do
case $item in
*kg) : ;;
*) print $item ;;
done < your_file >output_file

It can be done any number of ways via the shell - that is just one way.
That is also assuming that the "20kg" is either on a line by itself or at the end...

You could also do:
sed "s/.*kb$//g" your_file > output_file

# 4  
Old 06-09-2002
I'm not sure what you are trying to end up with...but if all you were wanting was a list of rows that don't have the kg on them...

then "grep -v 'kg' > rows_without_kg"
would work.

Probably not what you are after - but if it is then this would be much quicker.
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