awk command for INSERT statement

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# 1  
Old 05-10-2002
Data awk command for INSERT statement


I sometimes bulk upload data in oracle. The problem is that I sometimes get an INSERT statemnt like this:
VALUES ('SABRDAG','D'AGOS','SABRINA','sabrina_d'',70)

I would like to run an awk or sed command that would take care of the single quotes in the INSERT statement.
So the above string should be

VALUES ('SABRDAG','D''AGOS','SABRINA','sabrina_d''',70);

I have tried awk but couldnt make it work. Any help would be appreciated.

# 2  
Old 05-10-2002
Wow. That is a tough one.

I came up with a Perl solution, but would like to see a more elegant sed/awk solution as well.


# Auswipe - 10 May 2002
# Auswipe sez "No Guarantees!"
# Auswipe also sez "Test and Double Test! Auswipe is not responsible if anything gets franked!"

# Convert tic into double tic for contractions
# and single tic in names

open(QUERY, "query.txt") || die "$!";
open(NEWQUERY, ">query2.txt") || die "$!";

while ($inputLine = <QUERY>) {
  while ($inputLine =~ m/(\w+)'(\w+)/) {
    my $fore = $1;
    my $aft  = $2;
    $inputLine =~ s/$fore'$aft/$fore"$aft/g;
  print NEWQUERY "$inputLine";

Sample usage:

FreeBSD:joeuser:/home/joeuser/sample $ ll
total 8
-rwxr-xr-x   1 joeuser  joeuser   519 May 10 10:35 perltic
-rw-r--r--   1 joeuser  joeuser   168 May 10 10:31 query.txt
FreeBSD:joeuser:/home/joeuser/sample $ ./perltic
FreeBSD:joeuser:/home/joeuser/sample $ ll
total 10
-rwxr-xr-x   1 joeuser  joeuser   519 May 10 10:35 perltic
-rw-r--r--   1 joeuser  joeuser   168 May 10 10:31 query.txt
-rw-r--r--   1 joeuser  joeuser   168 May 10 10:38 query2.txt
FreeBSD:joeuser:/home/joeuser/sample $ cat query2.txt
VALUES ('SABRDAG','D"AGOS','SABRINA','sabrina_d"',70)
FreeBSD:joeuser:/home/joeuser/sample $

Two stars. Joe Bob says "Check it out"
# 3  
Old 05-10-2002
Hi Auswipe,

I havent yet tested your code but the quotes in D''AGOS is to be two single quotes and not one double quote. The sample usage has one double quotes.

# 4  
Old 05-10-2002
I'm not sure that I understand exactly was is going on here. But I think that you want any single quote surrounded by letters to become two single quotes. If that is correct (and it does seem crazy), try this...

sed "s/\([a-zA-Z]\)\'\([a-zA-Z]\)/\1\'\'\2/g"
# 5  
Old 05-10-2002
Originally posted by Perderabo
I'm not sure that I understand exactly was is going on here. But I think that you want any single quote surrounded by letters to become two single quotes. If that is correct (and it does seem crazy), try this...

sed "s/\([a-zA-Z]\)\'\([a-zA-Z]\)/\1\'\'\2/g"
That's what I was doing wrong with my sed statement. I was attempting to reference the atoms that I pulled with $1 and $2 like I did in the Perl code. I needed to use \1 and \2. D'oh.

Replacing the single tic with two single tics isn't crazy at all. After the insert takes place, the two single tics are converted into a single tic. It's the same for MS SQL Server as well.

The Perl code above can be fixed by replacing double quote with two single quotes back to back, but the sed expression is much cleaner.
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