listing executible files

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# 1  
Old 05-02-2002
listing executible files

List all executable files in all directories in the PATH environment variable (i.e. list all programs that can be executed).
If there are no arguments, list all programs that can be executed.
List them 1 per line, giving the full pathname of the file. Output nothing else.
then sort the list.
# 2  
Old 05-02-2002
Please do not post your homework problems here. Read the manpage for your shell to learn how to accomplish this task.
# 3  
Old 05-02-2002
do some research before posting...

Here is a small hint. Read about the "find" command.

This will be all I can give you. If you were to post SOMETHING resembling code here. You might get more help/advice...

Try to code it on your own. Do at least SOME research before you post a generic "help me" question.

Smilie Smilie
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