sed to have defined positionning on line

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting sed to have defined positionning on line
# 8  
Old 04-25-2002
Hi Jimbo,
with your script , I get something like:
# 9  
Old 04-25-2002
I did something wrong.....Smilie

here is what I get:
cin **> comm2.uc ...................................cin **> comm2.uc => Line 208 : (* the user should call Get_Time_LoW, which will load the appropriate *)
cin **> eqom_7.uc ..................................cin **> eqom_7.uc => Line 389 : (* UNUSED ENTRIES - execute appropriate termination *)
cin **> eqom_d.uc ..................................cin **> eqom_d.uc => Line 390 : (* UNUSED ENTRIES - execute appropriate termination *)
cin **> eqom_e.uc ..................................cin **> eqom_e.uc => Line 389 : (* UNUSED ENTRIES - execute appropriate termination *)
cin **> globals.uc .................................cin **> globals.uc => Line 406 : (* - Made changes appropriate to cam edge filtering modifications. *)
cin **> hwi_rm_mios1.c ...........=> Line 138 : ......../* determine which flag generated the int and call the appropriate*/
cin **> hwi_rm_mios1.c ...........=> Line 145 : ..../* - uncomment the appropriate slot */
cin **> hwi_rm_mios1.c ...........=> Line 146 : ..../* - add a call to the appropriate handler */
cin **> hwi_rm_mios1.c ...........=> Line 258 : ......../* determine which flag generated the int and call the appropriate*/
cin **> hwi_rm_mios1.c ...........=> Line 265 : ..../* - uncomment the appropriate slot */
cin **> hwi_rm_mios1.c ...........=> Line 266 : ..../* - add a call to the appropriate handler */
cin **> hwi_spi.c ................=> Line 123 : ....../*-- Enable spi devices by setting appropriate discrete output */
cin **> nitc1.uc ...................................cin **> nitc1.uc => Line 301 : (* UNUSED ENTRIES - execute appropriate termination. *)
cin **> rqom.uc ....................................cin **> rqom.uc => Line 438 : (* UNUSED ENTRIES - execute appropriate termination *)
cin **> scorpio.lst ................................cin **> scorpio.lst => Line 453 : $ 1 406 (* - Made changes appropriate to cam edge filtering modifications. *)
cin **> scorpio.lst ................................cin **> scorpio.lst => Line 908 : $ 1 390 (* UNUSED ENTRIES - execute appropriate termination *)
cin **> scorpio.lst ................................cin **> scorpio.lst => Line 1338 : $ 1 301 (* UNUSED ENTRIES - execute appropriate termination. *)
cin **> scorpio.lst ................................cin **> scorpio.lst => Line 3020 : $ 1 389 (* UNUSED ENTRIES - execute appropriate termination *)
cin **> scorpio.lst ................................cin **> scorpio.lst => Line 3480 : $ 1 389 (* UNUSED ENTRIES - execute appropriate termination *)
cin **> scorpio.lst ................................cin **> scorpio.lst => Line 5712 : $ 1 438 (* UNUSED ENTRIES - execute appropriate termination *)
cin **> scorpio.lst ................................cin **> scorpio.lst => Line 5999 : $ 1 208 (* the user should call Get_Time_LoW, which will load the appropriate *)
cin **> hwi_can.c ................=> Line 327 : ../* Select the appropriate CAN object set */
cin **> hwi_can.c ................=> Line 470 : ../* Select the appropriate CAN object set */
cin **> hwi_can.c ................=> Line 596 : ../* Select the appropriate CAN object set */
cin **> hwi_can.c ................=> Line 795 : ....../* Select the appropriate CAN device */
cin **> hwi_sci.c ................=> Line 540 : ......../* interrupt(s) and then calls the appropriate handling function(s). */
cin **> hwi_sci.c ................=> Line 736 : ......../* bytes as appropriate. */

Any idea ?
# 10  
Old 04-28-2002
When you first posted some of your actual data ("here is a right copy of my original line", that limited sample showed that the comments were delineated with a traditional syntax for embedded comments: /*..comments.....*/. Now that you have posted more of your data, I can see that I cannot rely on the /* to start your comments.

Without that, it is quite a bit more inconvenient. Start of comments must now be identified as the second word following the word "Line". This involves a little scanning of the line and some checking to ensure that I do not go into an infinite loop. The following code should do it. The only requirements for a data line are:

must contain =>
must contain Line to the right of =>
must have at least two words following Line
must have space-delimited words (not tab-delimited)

There is one rare situation that could cause this to loop, and that is if a data line violated BOTH of the last two rules. I could protect against that with gsub("\t"," ") but your awk does not want to modify $0.

I have the LINE REQUIREMENTS NOT MET just for testing. After testing, you will want to remove that, but you must leave the simple "print" just below it, which is the command that will print the unchanged line.
awk '{
for (w=1;w<=NF;w++)
   if ($w=="Line") break
if (aloc==0 || cloc==4 || cloc<aloc || (w+2)>NF)
  {while (substr($0,cloc,1)==" ") cloc++
   while (substr($0,cloc,1)!=" ") cloc++
   print substr($0,1,aloc-1) pad1 \
         substr($0,aloc,cloc-aloc) pad2 \
}' myfile > myNEWfile
exit 0

Last edited by Jimbo; 04-28-2002 at 12:14 PM..
# 11  
Old 04-29-2002

Thanks Jimbo for your help.
It seems to work perfectly !
Have a nice day.Smilie
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