Problem with shell script

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# 1  
Old 04-09-2002
Data Problem with shell script

I am having a problem with a shell script. I am working in a solaris environment.

I am using PGP(Pretty Good Privacy) for encrytping a file. It works on a file(.npgp in this case) and makes an .asc file (ASCII armored file)

The situation is like this. A user logs into a web site and enters his log on information. This process creates a file (.npgp) on the Unix box.The naming convention of the file is USERNAME_DDMMYYHHMISS.npgp

Now my problem is that how can I make sure that when I access the .npgp file, I am accessing the one pertaining to the current user and also that I am not removing some other users .npgp file.

For instance, lets say a user TEST logs at 11:45:51 PM. This process would create a file called TEST_090402114551.npgp
Lets say another user logs at 11:45:52 PM.This process would create a file called TEST_090402114552.npgp

Now I dont want that when the pgp command runs and when I remove the .npgp file the second file also gets removed.

The following shell script keeps on running in the background.



export OUTDIR
export OUTLOG

while true

#Check for the existence of a *.npgp file.
if [ -e $OUTDIR/*.npgp ]
#If it is there, run the following PGP command and remove it.
# Currently it will remove all the .npgp files.
pgp -eat +force *.npgp 2>$OUTLOG
rm -f *.npgp
sleep 1

exit 0

What would be good is that if somehow I store the .npgp file name in a variable and remove only that file. Also that if a number of .npgp files in this directory, this command is run one by one for each .npgp file before deleteing that file?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated?
# 2  
Old 04-09-2002
Hi there. If I understand your question correctly, I would use a "for" loop for this.
Check the for man page, but it would go something like this:

for namevariable in *.npgp
do actions # for example, rm $variable
# 3  
Old 04-09-2002
Thanx for your answer, kristy.

What would be the best way to store the *.npgp file names in variables and calling them one by one?
# 4  
Old 04-09-2002
natty, I believe the for-loop provided by kristy is the answer you seek. It provides all the filenames, one by one, into the specified variable name for processing on each loop:
for fname in *.npgp
   echo "Processing $fname ..."

# 5  
Old 04-09-2002
Got it.

Thanx a ton for your help.
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