Enabling a script to run in multiple paths

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# 1  
Old 03-03-2008
Enabling a script to run in multiple paths

I have a script that i need to run from different paths.

for example
mypc/path1/path2/path3/, and

How do i set up that script so that it can execute in any
of the above paths or how can i make it run on any path on my computer??
# 2  
Old 03-03-2008
Some possibilities:

- make an alias in your .profile
- place the script in a directory that's set in the PATH variable
- add the path of your script in the PATH variable

# 3  
Old 03-03-2008
To elaborate, there is a line in your .profile that says PATH=

The PATH defined has several paths listed, separated by colons. One of the PATHs is probably . by itself. A . by itself means 'current directory'.

When you attempt to execute a command/script, the OS searches each of the paths listed in PATH to find the command/script you specified.

Therefore, you have to put your script in one of the paths specified, or add the path where your script lives to the PATH variable.

On a side note, the command which [command] returns the path of the [command] specified.
# 4  
Old 03-04-2008
Thanx for the help but am a bit new in unix. Where do i find
that file for the user profiles that i need to edit the PATH variable.
# 5  
Old 03-04-2008
Thanx for the help but am a bit new in unix. Where do i find
that file for the user profiles that i need to edit the PATH variable.
# 6  
Old 03-04-2008
the . profile file usually resides in user home directory.

cd $HOME
ls -lart ---> list the files whose name starts with "." (hidden files)
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