Challenging!! Help needed

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Old 03-02-2008
Challenging!! Help needed


I have a script xyz.ksh which accpets two parameters the format of first one is :X_TABLENAME_Y and second one is a digit. I can extract a table name from that parameter and store it in a variable var_tblnm, so if i pass a parameter X_TABLE1_Y the value in var_tblenm is "TABLE1"
now i have a function library where i've set some

export A_TABLE1_B="/home/user1/table1.txt"
export A_TABLE2_B="/home/user1/table2.txt"
export A_TABLE3_B="/home/user1/table3.txt"

the data in the files is as below:
table1.txt: 1001,JOHN,1000.00
table2.txt: 1002,JEFF,2000.50
table3.txt: 1003,LINDA,3000.50

now problem is as below:
when i run my script 'xyz.ksh' and pass parameters as below:
$xyz.ksh X_TABLE2_Y 3
here my result should be 2000.50.i.e the third column of the table2.txt
..what i'm doing is as below ..which is not working !

var_amt= `cat $var_data |cut -d ',' -f$2
print "$var_amt"...

i'm not able to get the output as 2000.50...
Please help
# 2  
Old 03-02-2008
The following small shell script should show you what you need to know:


echo $A_TABLE2_B

# note the "\$"
echo $var_data

#and now use eval to get actual data file name 
var_file=$(eval echo $var_data)
echo $var_file

#var_amt=`cat $var_file | cut -d',' -f$2`
#echo $var_amt

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