10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have a file: file.txt, which contains the following data in it.
This is a file, my name is Karl, what is this process, karl is karl junior, file is a test file, file's name is file.txt
My name is not Karl, my name is Karl Joey
What is your name?
Do you know your name and... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: anuragpgtgerman
3 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi All,
Hope you guys had a wonderful weekend
I have a scenario where in which I have to read a file line by line
and check for few words before redirecting to a file
I have searched the forum but,either those answers dint work (perhaps because of my wrong under standing of how IFS... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: Kingcobra
6 Replies
3. Shell Programming and Scripting
I would like to read a file line by line and then store the whole line word by word in array so that I can do specific manipulation on each word.
$ cat test.txt
hello how are you
i am good
I would like to have an array created dynamically so that first time , the... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: ashwin3086
4 Replies
4. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi, I need a script to read last word of the line and out put in some temp file.
it can contain any word like:
My name is Harry.
My zip code is 24490
or it can be
My secret code is 024H
I just need last word of the line (Harry, or 2440 or 024H)
Thanks for the posts below.... (10 Replies)
Discussion started by: HarryReid
10 Replies
5. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi people;
i want to read the last word of the 14th line of my file1.txt. Here is the EXACT 14th line of the file.
250 SectorPortnum=3,AuxPortInUngo=2,PortDeviceGroup=1,PortDeviceSet=1,PorDevice=1 20 >>> Set.
i have to get the word Set. how can i call it and also how... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: gc_sw
3 Replies
6. Shell Programming and Scripting
i have a file in this pattern
MATCH1 word1 IMAGE word3 word4
MATCH2 word1 word2 word3 word4
MATCH2 word1 word2 word3 word4
MATCH2 word1 word2 word3 word4
MATCH2 word1 word2 word3 word4
MATCH1 word1 IMAGE word3 word4
MATCH2 word1 word2 word3 word4
MATCH2 word1 word2 word3 word4
MATCH2 word1... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: bangaram
7 Replies
7. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I have a File with the below contents
I have no prior experience in unix. I have just started to work in unix.
My experience in unix is 0. My Total It exp is 3 yrs.
I need to replace the first word in each line with the last word for example
unix have no prior experience in... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: kri_swami
2 Replies
8. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Assume I have a text file as below:
con pi
ind ken
pras ur
con rome
ind kent
pras urs
con mys
ind pan
pras ki
con kit
ind sys
My requirement,
I need to search for "con rome" and if exists, then print 4th word from rome, i.e in above example, since "con rome"... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: jaggesh
4 Replies
9. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hey All,
On commad promt of a shell..
How can we move our cursor word by word.
Like Ctrl+A takes to the starting of the command...
Any shortcut like that..?
pbsrinivas (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: pbsrinivas
1 Replies
10. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am struggling with a shell script to make my life simpler, with a number of practical ways in which it could be used. I want to take a standard text file, and pull the 'n'th word from each line such as the first word from a text file.
I'm struggling to see how each line can be... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: tricky
5 Replies