Grepping issue..

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Grepping issue..
# 1  
Old 02-27-2008
Grepping issue..

I found another problem with my disk-adding script today. When looking for disks, I use grep.
When I grep for the following disk sizes:


I also pick up these as well:

How do I specifically pick out one or the other, using grep, without resorting to the -v option?

If I can't use grep, I'll have to totally revamp the script...
# 2  
Old 02-27-2008
Question grepping

1) can you >grep "5242880 "
with an extra space at the end
2) or using whatever other character(s) might be proximate to the number

Would need to see the intermediate output.
# 3  
Old 02-27-2008
Well, what I am doing is getting the disk size, and then setting it to a variable "$SIZE". Would the extra space work in that case?

Here is the code:

## Find your disk sizes available for use.
for i in `vxdisk -o alldgs list | grep -v -e DEVICE -e LVM -e invalid -e dg | awk '{print $1}'`
 grep $i inq.fil | grep $DISKTYPE | awk -F ":" '{print $11}'
done | uniq -d > sizes.txt
TOTAL=`cat sizes.txt | wc -l`
if [ $TOTAL -eq 0 ]
    echo "There are no disks of this type available."

## Present the sizes of the disks available.
print "Disk sizes that are available are:"
for i in `cat sizes.txt`
 echo $i

##  Choose what size disk(s) you want to use.
echo "What size disk do you want to use?"
print -n "Disk size? :"
read SIZE

## Capture the disk size you chose for use later.
echo $SIZE > sizes.size
function avail_disk_func
## Capture only the available disks of the type and size you want to use.
grep $DISKTYPE inq.fil | grep -v Copyright | grep $SIZE > $SIZE.txt
for i in `vxdisk -o alldgs list | grep -v -e DEVICE -e LVM -e invalid -e dg | awk '{print $1}'`
 grep $i $SIZE.txt | grep $DISKTYPE | grep $SIZE
done > vxdisk_avail_$SIZE.txt

## Capture how many disks are available for use.  If none, then exit.
TOTAL2=`cat vxdisk_avail_$SIZE.txt | wc -l`
if [ $TOTAL2 -eq 0 ]
   echo "There are $TOTAL2 $DISKTYPE disks of this size available."

## How many disks do you want to use?
echo "There are $TOTAL2 $DISKTYPE disks of this size available."
echo "How many do you want to use?"
print -n "to create your diskgroup? :"

Here is what the inq.fil file read from at the beginning of the code looks like:
Inquiry utility, Version 5.80     (SIL Version 2.8.2j)
Copyright (C) by EMC Corporation, all rights reserved.
For help type inq -h.

/dev/rdsk/c0t6d0   :KN091774 :HP 36.4G:MAN3367MC :      :     :    :   :    :    :35566480 :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c0t6d0s1 :KN091774 :HP 36.4G:MAN3367MC :      :     :    :   :    :    :512000   :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c0t6d0s2 :KN091774 :HP 36.4G:MAN3367MC :      :     :    :   :    :    :34643968 :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c0t6d0s3 :KN091774 :HP 36.4G:MAN3367MC :      :     :    :   :    :    :409600   :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c1t2d0   : 2000/09 :HP      :DVD-ROM 30:      :     :    :   :    :    :         :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c2t6d0   :KN091570 :HP 36.4G:MAN3367MC :      :     :    :   :    :    :35566480 :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c6t6d0   :KN091754 :HP 36.4G:MAN3367MC :      :     :    :   :    :    :35566480 :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c8t6d0   :KN091680 :HP 36.4G:MAN3367MC :      :     :    :   :    :    :35566480 :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t0d1  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t0d2  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t0d3  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t0d4  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t0d5  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t0d6  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t0d7  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t1d0  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t1d1  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t1d2  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t1d3  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t1d4  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t1d5  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t2d1  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :5242880  :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t2d2  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :5242880  :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t2d3  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :5242880  :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c12t2d1  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :5242880  :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c12t2d2  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :5242880  :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c12t2d3  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :5242880  :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c14t2d1  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :5242880  :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c14t2d2  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :5242880  :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c14t2d3  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :5242880  :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c16t2d1  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :5242880  :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c16t2d2  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :5242880  :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c16t2d3  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :5242880  :1024 :      :            :

Here is the output of the script being ran:
This script is only to be used when building NEW DISK GROUPS ONLY!!
that will be using VXVM 4.1 or higher to manage disks, with no rootdg.
This version has an option for striping, and lets you build multiple volumes
within the disk group(s) you create.

Have you ran the inq script?
Enter 'y' for Yes or 'n' for No :y

Chose the type of external storage
you will be working with.  Your choices
are 'EMC' and 'EVA' (EVA = HSV).

Enter 'EMC' or 'EVA'. Disk type? :eva

Disk sizes that are available are:
524288000  <-- There are 11 of these
5242880     <--  There are 3 of these
What size disk do you want to use?
Disk size? :5242880  <-- This is the size I want.  There are only 3

There are 14 HSV disks of this size available.  <--Incorrect number reported.

How many do you want to use?
to create your diskgroup? :

# 4  
Old 02-27-2008
Question want to see an intermediate file

Rather than my trying to re-create your scenario, you are determining the number of each disk size from "vxdisk_avail_$SIZE.txt".
Can you post this file from your run? My thinking is to do something with a cut based on -d":" and then a numeric comparison.
But, I cannot work through all of the logic in my head.
# 5  
Old 02-27-2008
Use grep with the -w option.

# 6  
Old 02-27-2008
Originally Posted by Franklin52
Use grep with the -w option.

Perfect! Works great....Not sure why I didn't figure this one out...

# 7  
Old 02-27-2008
Originally Posted by joeyg
Rather than my trying to re-create your scenario, you are determining the number of each disk size from "vxdisk_avail_$SIZE.txt".
Can you post this file from your run? My thinking is to do something with a cut based on -d":" and then a numeric comparison.
But, I cannot work through all of the logic in my head.

Here is the output from both files:


root@server:/root_home> more vxdisk_avail_5242880.txt
/dev/rdsk/c10t2d1  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :5242880  :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t2d2  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :5242880  :1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t2d3  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :5242880  :1024 :      :            :


root@server:/root_home> more vxdisk_avail_524288000.txt
/dev/rdsk/c10t0d6  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t0d7  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t1d0  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t1d1  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t1d2  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t1d3  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t1d4  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t1d5  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t1d6  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t1d7  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :
/dev/rdsk/c10t2d0  :5849ARF0 :COMPAQ  :HSV111 (C):      :     :    :   :    :    :524288000:1024 :      :            :

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