In the following "for" loop I assume the the script will expect "anyway", "first" NOT in any paticular order and send "yes" when there found, breaking out of the loop when "$prompt" is found. The way it is working is like 3 individual expect lines, and they MUST be in cronological order. ANY help will be greatly appreciated..
for {} 1 {} {
expect -i $id timeout {FAIL} *anyway*
send "yes\r\n"
send_user "\n$expect_out(buffer),$expect_out(1,string)\n"
sleep 1
expect -i $id timeout {FAIL} *first*
send "yes\r\n"
send_user "\n$expect_out(buffer),$expect_out(1,string)\n"
sleep 1
expect -i $id timeout {FAIL} -re $prompt
send_user "\n$expect_out(buffer),$expect_out(1,string)\n"