The value of "Enter" key in UNIX

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting The value of "Enter" key in UNIX
# 1  
Old 02-26-2008
The value of "Enter" key in UNIX

Hi ,
In my script I want to input "ENTER" as if "enter key" is pressed.
What should I pass to do this?
# 2  
Old 02-26-2008
a newline character =\n

However this does not make much sense. What are you trying to do exactly? (not how you think it should be done)
# 3  
Old 02-27-2008


Here what I exactly need is,

I have a script which run in nohup.
Inside this script I am calling another script which when run requires a keyboard input,"ENTER".
That is this script after performing its function asks for user input and i want to automate by providing the valure of key board entry of the ENTER KEY.

Is this possible?
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