ftp issue

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# 1  
Old 02-25-2008
ftp issue

I was changing a bit of the existing script and didnt comment the ftp part in it.

So, the ftp step executed, but there was no input file.

I got the message like this

netout: write returned 0?
250 Transfer completed successfully.

What does this mean?. Has the ftp replaced the existing file in the remote server?
# 2  
Old 02-25-2008
If you could post your script that would help to determine what the line "netout" write returned 0?" means. It could be a return code which zero means there were no errors or it could be something else. The message "Transfer completed successfully" means that what ever command was issued worked. So if you were transfering a file then it probably did replace the existing file on the remote server. Did the file date on the remote server change?
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