need some help..Comparison

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Old 02-23-2008
need some help..Comparison

I need some help which would probably be for most of you a simple script.

I need to read in the data from a .dat file and then compare avg to see who is the highest avg. Here is my script so far.

#reading in the data from lab3.dat
while read name o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6 o7 o8 o9 o10 ; do
#adding in the information for one person
#for (( k=0 ; k<20 ; k++ ))
(( sum=$o1+$o2+$o3+$o4+$o5+$o6+$o7+$o8+$o9+$o10 ))

#getting the avg from one person
(( avg=$(echo "scale=4 ; ($sum/10)" | bc) ))
(( sd=$(echo "scale=8 ; sqrt((((($o1-$avg)^2+($o2-$avg)^2+($o3-$avg)^2+($o4-$avg)^2+($o5-$avg)^2)+($o6-$avg)^2+($o7-$avg)^2+($o8-$avg)^2+($o9-$avg)^2+($o10-$avg)^2)/10))" | bc) ))
echo $name $avg $sd
done < $filename

As you can see right now it will just display back the names, avg, and sd per person. I need the highest avg posted only. TIA!

Last edited by vino; 02-25-2008 at 12:54 AM.. Reason: introduced code tags
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