need some help...can any body give some idea

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting need some help...can any body give some idea
# 8  
Old 02-23-2008
yes it will, as find looks in all subfolders
# 9  
Old 02-23-2008
need some help..can any body give me some idea..

James can you give me some more idea...

instead of this syntax , is possible if will run a script which will give me the same result...

If i will go for a small script should i need to give any condition or if you can give me the script idea then thanks again...
# 10  
Old 02-23-2008
what exactly do you want to do?

do you want to write the information about all .txt files under XYZ, and write this all out to ONE output file? Or do you want separate output files?

If you want one output file, what is wrong with the command I gave you? It finds all .txt files and displays the information about them you want.

you have to be more specific what you need a script for
# 11  
Old 02-23-2008
need some help..can any body give me some idea..

1.i have the main folder XYZ.
2.Many folders inside xyz say abc,def,mno
3.And inside each folder, i have files .

want a script that will run and check the abc,def,mno in xyz and pick what ever todays file and print that in output file.out put file should be in xyz.

instead of the syntax if i will go for a script and can make a corn entry for that then will get the result automatically..
# 12  
Old 02-23-2008
need some help..can any body give me some idea..

James ...

culd you please give some idea on this....
# 13  
Old 02-23-2008
you might have to change some values around depending on your system


set ddmmm=`date | awk '{print $2, $3}'` #this will get say "Feb 23"
find XYZ -type f -name '*.txt' | grep "$ddmmm" | xargs ls -l | awk '{print $8 , $9}' #grep for todays date...this will still pick up a file from last year (i.e. Feb 23 2007) so if you have files a year older, maybe you could do another grep -v 2007 after grep "$ddmmm"

# 14  
Old 02-23-2008
need some help..can any body give me some idea..

many thanks James for you help and valuable suggestion and your reply..

many thanks....
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