Text Manipulation.

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# 1  
Old 02-22-2008
Error Text Manipulation.


I have only ever used awk and sed for basic requirements up until now.
I have had to break a log down for multiple purposes.
Using awk, sed and a date script. I am left with this:

(message id, time of msg attempt, message id, domain name[from senders address], time of msg completion)

1JRkPs-0008m8-Fd 7230901
1JRkPs-0008m8-Fd domain.com 7230902
1JRkPs-0008m8-Fd abc.com 7230961
1JRkaH-0009E0-VZ 7231546
1JRkaH-0009E0-VZ domain.co.uk 7231547
1JRl5D-000AMD-22 7229863
1JRl5D-000AMD-22 123.com 7229864
1JRl66-000AOR-AZ 7229918
1JRl66-000AOR-AZ xyz.co.za 7229919

What this represents is email logs for sending/receiving.
The first entry is MSG id and time of attempt in seconds.
Second entry is MSG id , recipient and time of msg completion in seconds.

I am attempting to subtract the 2nd entry's' time with the first entry, and if there is a 3rd entry, do the same and if there is a 4th and so on and display the output like:

1JRkPs-0008m8-Fd domain.com (1s) abc.com (60s)
1JRkaH-0009E0-VZ domain.co.uk (1s)

My attempt is to work out delays from which domains are longer than others.
So in my example above, domain.com message was queued for 1 second, where as abc.com was queued for 60 seconds.

I wrote a script below which can perform the re-arranging, however not the calculations. Could someone please be of some assistance?

Many thanks in advance.

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
       if($1 != KEY){
                       printf(" %s %s\n",
       } else {
               DATA=DATA" "$2
       printf(" %s %s\n", KEY, DATA)

# 2  
Old 02-22-2008

So far I have managed to get the output looking like this:

1JRk2I-0007wT-Dy 7229440 domain.com 7229440 abc.com 7230019
1JRkPs-0008m8-Fd 7230901 xyz.com 7230902 domain.co.uk 7230961
1JRkaH-0009E0-VZ 7231546 test.com 7231547
1JRl5D-000AMD-22 7229863 test.co.uk 7229864

By updating the script to look like this:

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
       if($1 != KEY){
                       printf(" %s %s\n",
               DATA=$2" "$3
       } else {
               DATA=DATA" "$2" "$3
       printf(" %s %s\n", KEY, DATA)

Im still stuck on the calculations.

Any advice would be awesome.

# 3  
Old 02-22-2008
Try the following:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f


   if ($1 != msg_id) {
      if (msg_id != "")
          print outstr
      msg_id=$1; stime=$2
      outstr=" "$1" "$2" "$3
   } else
      outstr=outstr" "$2" ("$3-stime"s) "

   print outstr

which gives the following output from the sample data you supplied
 1JRkPs-0008m8-Fd 7230901  domain.com (1s)  abc.com (60s)
 1JRkaH-0009E0-VZ 7231546  domain.co.uk (1s)
 1JRl5D-000AMD-22 7229863  123.com (1s)
 1JRl66-000AOR-AZ 7229918  xyz.co.za (1s)

# 4  
Old 02-22-2008
Another awk solution:
awk '{
if ( NF > 2 )
for ( it in keys )
   for (i=1;i<=keys[it];i++)
       if ( i == 1 )
          printf(" %s (%ds) ",dat[it,i],time[it,i]-time[it,1])
}' log_file
1JRkPs-0008m8-Fd domain.com (1s) abc.com (60s) 
1JRkaH-0009E0-VZ domain.co.uk (1s) 
1JRl66-000AOR-AZ xyz.co.za (1s) 
1JRl5D-000AMD-22 123.com (1s)

Last edited by Klashxx; 02-22-2008 at 02:36 PM.. Reason: optimization
# 5  
Old 02-25-2008
Thanks to the both of ya. Smilie
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