How to grep this pattern??

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to grep this pattern??
# 8  
Old 02-20-2008
Is it possible to get zero or more white spaces b4 the pattern??

Bez i have a file which looks like this.......
File Content :
package com.att.iom; line 1
[single space]package com.att.iom; line 2
[double space]package com.att.iom; line 3
package com.att.iom; line 4
something package com.att.iom;..... ##but I don't need this line line 5
[single space]package com.att.iom; line 6
something something package com.att.iom;##but I don't need this line line 7
package com.att.iom; line8

I need the o/p like this :
package com.att.iom; line 1
[single space]package com.att.iom; line 2
[double space]package com.att.iom; line 3
package com.att.iom; line 4
[single space]package com.att.iom; line 6
package com.att.iom; line8

If it is possible then pls help me out........

# 9  
Old 02-20-2008
Originally Posted by askumarece
Is it possible to get zero or more white spaces b4 the pattern??

Bez i have a file which looks like this.......
File Content :
package com.att.iom; line 1
[single space]package com.att.iom; line 2
[double space]package com.att.iom; line 3
package com.att.iom; line 4
something package com.att.iom;..... ##but I don't need this line line 5
[single space]package com.att.iom; line 6
something something package com.att.iom;##but I don't need this line line 7
package com.att.iom; line8

I need the o/p like this :
package com.att.iom; line 1
[single space]package com.att.iom; line 2
[double space]package com.att.iom; line 3
package com.att.iom; line 4
[single space]package com.att.iom; line 6
package com.att.iom; line8

If it is possible then pls help me out........

In jim's last post, there are 5 grep solutions. Did you try using those ? One of those does what you want.
# 10  
Old 02-20-2008
Yeah I tried.... But it is ignoring the lines which are being stored with tab insteadof space.....
for eg:
if i have the following lines in my file :
package com.att.iom; line 1
[space][space]package com.att.iom; line 2
[space] package com.att.iom; line 3
[space][space][space][space] package com.att.iom; line 4
something package com.att.iom;..... ##but I don't need this line line 5
[tab][tab]package com.att.iom; line 6 Here No space at begining of the line
something something package com.att.iom;##but I don't need this line line 7
package com.att.iom; line8

here is the o/p while I run this grep cmd:
sa156s@::/export/home/sa156s> grep '^[ \t]*package com.att.iom;' file
package com.att.iom; line 1
package com.att.iom; line 2
package com.att.iom; line 3
package com.att.iom; line 4
package com.att.iom; line8
it is ignoring the line #:6, but how to grep including that one also......

# 11  
Old 02-20-2008
Originally Posted by askumarece
Yeah I tried.... But it is ignoring the lines which are being stored with tab insteadof space.....
for eg:
if i have the following lines in my file :
package com.att.iom; line 1
[space][space]package com.att.iom; line 2
[space] package com.att.iom; line 3
[space][space][space][space] package com.att.iom; line 4
something package com.att.iom;..... ##but I don't need this line line 5
[tab][tab]package com.att.iom; line 6 Here No space at begining of the line
something something package com.att.iom;##but I don't need this line line 7
package com.att.iom; line8

here is the o/p while I run this grep cmd:
sa156s@::/export/home/sa156s> grep '^[ \t]*package com.att.iom;' file
package com.att.iom; line 1
package com.att.iom; line 2
package com.att.iom; line 3
package com.att.iom; line 4
package com.att.iom; line8
it is ignoring the line #:6, but how to grep including that one also......

That works well for me. Try escaping the backslash.
grep '^[ \\t]*package com.att.iom;' file

# 12  
Old 02-20-2008
see the o/p : Which I got line #6 is not there.... How to grep including the lines which starts with [tab]....
sa156s@::/export/home/sa156s> grep '^[ \\t]*package com.att.iom;' file
package com.att.iom; line 1
package com.att.iom; line 2
package com.att.iom; line 3
package com.att.iom; line 4
package com.att.iom; line8

# 13  
Old 02-20-2008
On that file, can you do the following ?

head -6 file | tail -1 | od -a

where the -6 means the 6th line. This will show us what the 6th line contains.
# 14  
Old 02-20-2008
Originally Posted by vino
On that file, can you do the following ?

head -6 file | tail -1 | od -a

where the -6 means the 6th line. This will show us what the 6th line contains.
This is the file contents :
package com.att.iom; line 1
[space][space]package com.att.iom; line 2
[space] package com.att.iom; line 3
[space][space][space][space] package com.att.iom; line 4
something package com.att.iom;..... ##but I don't need this line line 5
[tab][tab]package com.att.iom; line 6 Here No space at begining of the line
something something package com.att.iom;##but I don't need this line line 7
package com.att.iom; line8
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