help needed in ls command

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting help needed in ls command
# 1  
Old 02-18-2008
Data help needed in ls command

Hi all,

i need to write an ls command which will pick up
ind_01.txt/pak_01.txt from


files in a directory..

i wrote a ls command by storing ind and pak in 2 variables and listing it. Its working fine. But the pattern to be matched should be sent in command line argument and so it should be a single variable.

i want a regular expression which will store ind/pak_01.txt. so that i can sent it in command line argument

please help..

Thanks In Advance.


Last edited by anju; 02-18-2008 at 05:23 AM..
# 2  
Old 02-18-2008
This will match ind.txt and pak.txt but will also match other combinations of these letters.
If you only have these two files in your directory, it will work for you.

 ls [ip][na][dk].txt

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